ObsidianPolymath @obsidianpolymath
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ObsidianPolymath @obsidianpolymath
Your the Number One Claymore huh?

AnimeLover88 @animelover88
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AnimeLover88 @animelover88
The T stands for my real name which is Theresa, and yea Playboy I liked wearing things by them

ObsidianPolymath @obsidianpolymath
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ObsidianPolymath @obsidianpolymath
Whats the T stand for lol? Playboy!

AnimeLover88 @animelover88
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AnimeLover88 @animelover88
Its from the playboy bunny collection its the letter T with a bunny on it

ObsidianPolymath @obsidianpolymath
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ObsidianPolymath @obsidianpolymath
What kind of necklace is that?
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