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30 year old Female
Last online 9年弱 ago
Nov 04, 15 at 3:33pm
i was actually waiting on haikyuu, noragami, and k return of the kings but i dropped k lol it got too boring. i meant like fighting itself was bad but the animation was amazing...i feel like hinata is gonna start to grow and become a better player surprised how his quicks are being beaten but i guess you can only do so much of one thing until people catch on....dont get what's kageyama's problem though.
Eh...I used to use it for dating but it always gave me bad luck...
Nov 04, 15 at 3:26pm
Thank you thank you~ There is quite a bit of detail but I already have it as a 3 book series. Plus I even have an idea for a sequel that will take place many years after the first series.
You are welcome. Can I ask why you love the zodiak so much?
Nov 04, 15 at 3:13pm
I try to make it interesting and different from all the other fantasy books out there.
Nov 04, 15 at 3:04pm
well when i say it disappointed me it wasnt because it was bad or anything but because i wanted something to happen to one of the characters in season 2 and it didnt. *for spoiler reasons im not gonna say* oh no lol they cant teleport in the astronaut anime would defeat the purpose of trying to become an astronaut. its called space brothers btw lol does everyone love bokuto? another friend of mine likes him too maybe i should read the manga to see why everyone likes him so much. i personally like yachi alot i think she is cute. and that fight was so good i mean it was bad but the way it looked was awesome i missed this anime so much T-T
I am feeliing pretty awesome. Oh and welcome!
Nov 04, 15 at 2:49pm
It's about a girl that trying to find out what she is and accept it when she does. Kinda the whole plot there.
Hey nice to meet you :-)