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35 year old Male
Last online 3年以上 ago
True. So true. Life is unfair now I look at it
Apr 12, 10 at 12:27pm
But then I studied for something I really want to do. If you don't like your job, I guess you took the wrong choice. At least, that's what I think of it
You don't know how much it sucks T.T Knowing it's easter holiday and still have to work for school TT.TT
Apr 10, 10 at 12:32pm
Oh, yeah...that stuff xD Ah well, I'm still busy so not much has changed lol
I'll PM it to you.
konachan @konachan left a comment for NDA
Apr 09, 10 at 3:00pm
xD Oh well if that's the case lol. Can you speak Korean? You got to play the game first. No fair, but at the same time happy for you *thumbs up*My brother play Megaten. He's obsessed. It's bee over a year now since he's started I think. I have heard of those. I would be playing half of them myself but I have a mac so I can't really play online games yet. :c I have to go back and by windows, I can't handle not being able to play any games. I've played Call of Duty. I still suck at it though. I'll figure it out one day. Blowing stuff up is too fun for me to ignore.
Lol. I even forgot what we were talking about xD
Well not where, I made a cosplay of Curly Brace from Cave Story. And I'm just a bit down :/
Akira @akira left a comment for NDA
Apr 08, 10 at 10:59pm
Tekken is always awesome when you have some one to play with. i dont like playing that game alone.
Akira @akira left a comment for NDA
Apr 08, 10 at 10:35pm
Dissida is the best i love the fighting system now! im still in love with crisis core though. that and Valhalla knights