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35 year old Male
Last online 3年以上 ago
fallen @fallen left a comment for NDA
Dec 07, 09 at 7:40pm
thx for adding me how's it going? =]
Aizen757 @bankai757 left a comment for NDA
Dec 06, 09 at 11:51pm
See you like MMOs. I've been thinking about getting into one, but don't know of any decent ones. Recommendations?
Aizen757 @bankai757 left a comment for NDA
Dec 06, 09 at 10:17pm
Welcome to the site bro. How are things on your end?
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for NDA
Dec 06, 09 at 9:52pm
thanks, i'll be looking for actual otaku to work for me so keep a look for otaku sanctuary, well that's the name im gonna go for, providing it isnt taken by the time I actually get the cash to start the first store
Dec 06, 09 at 9:46pm
Yeah i Hear you on that and i wish you luck lol if u need workers XD maybe i'll try out for a job
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for NDA
Dec 06, 09 at 8:43pm
it would actually, they're a couple of anime merchandise shop I know of in texas and they do pretty well, plus many anime conventions are held in texas and I happen to know alot of otaku in texas as well, plus I dont just plan on opening a shop in texas, to make a long story short I owe the otaku world my life, so im gonna expand the otaku world in the western hemisphere, starting with more well known anime shops, and to be honest I want arcades to make a comeback I miss those, if my shops make it then im gonna use the cash I make from that to start a company based on developing and publishing manga, anime, clothing, music basically art in general in the western hemisphere. america's quality in entertainment has severally dropped since the 90's and somebody has to do something about it, hopefully im that person
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for NDA
Dec 06, 09 at 8:02pm
im the same right now, real life bit me in the ass once too many times and now I have it a bit rough, just be grateful you dont live where I do where you have to go to another city to find another otaku to hang with, im planning to move to texas sometime next year though and start my own anime merchandise store/arcade/maid cafe hope that goes over well
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for NDA
Dec 06, 09 at 7:46pm
I'll have to check it out sometime, so do you do anything outside your otaku life?
Dec 06, 09 at 7:43pm
Yeah i knew the guy lol he was from canada he made me a GM on one of the servers Gamecube could connect to his private server its still open even now its um google schthack u would find it he doesnt own it anymore he gave it away some guy but its still runing with a few hundered people playing PSOBB(Phantasy Star blue burst)now which has all the old stages and new ones was that the gamecube one? not sure but its on PC
otoburikid @otoburikid left a comment for NDA
Dec 06, 09 at 7:24pm
I was pissed when they shut down the server, and I heard a guy made his own but I could never find it, when it was remade on gamecube I went online but hardly anybody was on it, but then again the gamecube isnt well known for it's online capability not to mention only two games could be played online that was phantasy star and this racing game I forgot the name of