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33 year old Female
Last online 約13年 ago
Haruchan007 @haruchan007 left a comment for YuriJuice
Apr 21, 11 at 11:01pm
Comfortable, but I'd love to wear punk. I don't know why, but I just like the style. Hey, I think I just thought of a cosplay I could do!
Haruchan007 @haruchan007 left a comment for YuriJuice
Apr 21, 11 at 8:55pm
My plans are to finish my homework. And I don't know.
Korded @korded left a comment for YuriJuice
Apr 21, 11 at 8:41pm
Ahh, its just an old MMORPG from the late 1990's. What do you do in your freetime to keep you happy?
Haruchan007 @haruchan007 left a comment for YuriJuice
Apr 21, 11 at 8:34pm
I don't know. It's so hard to choose.
Haruchan007 @haruchan007 left a comment for YuriJuice
Apr 21, 11 at 8:27pm
I'll make an outfit when I learn how to sew & can make it look good. Then I'll show you. Maybe I can get my sister to teach me sometime soon.
Korded @korded left a comment for YuriJuice
Apr 21, 11 at 8:20pm
Do you game at all? and have you ever played Everquest?
Haruchan007 @haruchan007 left a comment for YuriJuice
Apr 21, 11 at 8:12pm
Nice. No storms.
Korded @korded left a comment for YuriJuice
Apr 21, 11 at 8:10pm
O come on, bad customer service is hilarious. They start getting on your nerves, just start acting like a complete moron. At least that's what I do when they act like I have no clue how to turn on a computer.
Haruchan007 @haruchan007 left a comment for YuriJuice
Apr 21, 11 at 8:06pm
There was once a tornado in the part of my neighborhood behind my house. It was going to come down my street but it jumped back in the sky before it could.
Korded @korded left a comment for YuriJuice
Apr 21, 11 at 8:03pm
O.o Why are your friends ignoring you? nothing much in my world is going on, just bored...Anime, Music, and video games interest me, as well as, strangely enough the lives of my friends. Hmmm...can't think of that much the Grinds my gears...besides cutting...