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Dat Boi [FALLEN]

Last online 約2ヶ月 ago
United Kingdom
Feb 28, 17 at 7:46pm
Rofl no but the kkk is xD
Feb 28, 17 at 7:41pm
Lawl xD You should have used yall. Would of made it so much better. 8/10 nice meme. But back to earth. Who let you outa dah zoo? This ain't planet of the apes. Ok that's too far. XD I'm done there. I don't want someone to think I actually mean this stuff xDD I love you boi! Also jab me back stop hitting urself xD this isnt who can get the most black eyes in a day
Feb 28, 17 at 7:35pm
That's ah.. mean man.. geeze.. Idk if we can hang out anymore.. I mean it's not me it's you. I just keep looseing you at night.. QAQ I'm all paranoid like.. "we're my friend.. And who the FUCK keep making that weird ass Cheshire face beside me?" Like damn! Plz stop!
Feb 28, 17 at 7:27pm
Rofl xD Idk man seem pretty human to me. :P Rught? I'm with you fam. Troll hard with little things because people get sooooo triggered. XDDD Yesterday I told a guy a Hitler joke and he turned out to be jewish. He uh.. was not taking it well
Feb 28, 17 at 7:19pm
XD I love you man. Thank god you aren't someone who is like stupid offended by small things like this. Faith in the human race up by 0.2%!!
Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for Dat Boi [FALLEN]
Feb 28, 17 at 7:19pm
This account has been suspended.
Flightless @flightless Do you like.. want to see me cry? Im a little bitch when it comes to clannad q.q
Baka @reinhardt76 cry with me, LET'S CRY TOGETHER
Flightless @flightless Ok senpai! QAQ Can't actually load the video. But the feels are there >.> Gomen
Feb 28, 17 at 7:14pm
Why ya gotta bring race into it!?!?!? #triggered. -de.memed- I got chu. xD That's great. It was pretty poetic. I'd pay atleast a nickel for it.
Feb 28, 17 at 7:06pm
never mind lol ,it doesn't concern you
Feb 28, 17 at 6:58pm
No I just can't spell
Feb 28, 17 at 1:05pm
Kanon made me cry