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Available, Straight
7年以上 ago
Hello nice to meet you, I wouldn't say I am the best at describing myseLf but I will give it a shOt.

About me Personality Type INTJ-INTP
I am a rather introverted individual that can be extroverted if needed tO the right people. I tend to be pretty curious about the world around me and enjoy learning new things at my leisure. As for the rest I leave that up to you to define via interaction and how I am around others.

My hobbies include: Reading/Piano/Drawing/HiKing/Traveling/Exercise/Coding/Psychology/Boardgames/Science/Videogames/Anime/Visual Novels/Science Fiction/Puzzles/Riddles/ among a few other things.

Seeing as this is a site dedicated moreso to people interested in viDeogames and anime I will list sOme of my favorites as well outside of the thumbnail list on my profile.

Some of my favorite anime include: Monster, One Punch Man, Ergo Proxy, Erased, Beserk, Cowboy Bebop, Psychopass, Deathnote, Full Metal Alchemist, Steins Gate, Higurashi, Hero Academia, Serial Experiments Lane, Eureka Seven, Evangelion, Code Geass, Space Brothers, Shiki, Rezero, Relife, March Comes In Like A Lion, Eflen Lied, and recently Inuyashiki. Along with many more I will list in the tab on my profile as I update it. Overall some of these I listed really have unique artWork as well.

Favorite Videogames/Series Include:
Mass Effect, The Witcher, Half Life, Portal, Dark Souls, A Hat In Time, Cuphead, Resident Evil , Silent Hill , Metal Gear, Doom, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Sly Cooper, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, Street Fighter, Soul Calibur , The Stanely Parable, Persona/Shin Megami Tensei, Psychonauts, Halo 1-3, Shadow of the colossus, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, undertale, etc.

Nintendo Based Games
The Legend of Zelda, with my favorite being Majoras Mask/
Pokémon Series/ Mario with two examples that have stood out are Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, and recently Mario Odyssey/Pikmin/Kirby/Banjo and Kazooie/Sonic/Super Smash Bros/Donkey Kong/Conkers Bad Fur Day/ etc.

That pretty much sums up my hobbies and interest. What I am looking for oN this site is friends, and perhaps if the right person comes along a relationship, we will see how that all works out.

Inserts awkwardly placed question now
While we are here if you made it through all this banter lets sound off with a little introspection, what is your raison d'etre in French this means reason for being. As in what is your reason for being who you are and continuing? If you catch this reference massive points to you.

"Holds hands in air" Also lastly I have taken the liberty of creating a puzzle within my profile and what I have been writing. There are three parts to it and if you manage to figure out what it is then you have my sincere appreciation for taking the time to figure it out. I will leave you with one hint look for patterns in the writing. That's all though hope to hear from you soon.

Hey Wait Just A Minute, theres nothing to see here.

You sure are persistent aren't you well I will give you one final chance please scroll back up.

Alright determined are we, well lets see you get past this. BEHOLD _____________________________________________________
That's right its a line and yes you cant cross it because these are my rules.

How is that even possible? Well you know what now I have to use my "special technique" on you. Take This
Not enough heh well surely your attention can only be held so long.

Whew, alright I give up you win if your that interested you may pass.

Oh you found the letters that were capitalized incorrectly discovering a message or just decided to keep scrolling down randomly either way here is your next part of the test. Its in a form of language that you will need to figure out and decipher be that via the ease of the internet or if you feel up for a challenge try doing it yourself. The last part of this will be a question once you decipher it, you will need to figure it out.
.-- .. - .... / .--. --- .. -. - . -.. / ..-. .- -. --. ... / .. / ... .. - / .- -. -.. / .-- .- .. - --..-- / .-- .. - .... / .--. .. . .-. -.-. .. -. --. / ..-. --- .-. -.-. . / .. / ... . .-. ...- . / --- ..- - / ..-. .- - . .-.-.- / --. .-. .- -... -... .. -. --. / -... .-.. --- --- -.. .-.. . ... ... / ...- .. -.-. - .. -- ... --..-- / .--. .-. --- -.-. .-.. .- .. -- .. -. --. / -- -.-- / -- .. --. .... - / .--. .... -.-- ... .. -.-. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / .--- --- .. -. .. -. --. / .-- .. - .... / .- / ... .. -. --. .-.. . / -... .. - . .-.-.- / .-- .... .- - / .- -- / .. ..--..