cheshy @cheshy
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Yellow Otaku
cheshy @cheshy
I'm okay I guess. Wish I could feel better
cheshy @cheshy
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Yellow Otaku
cheshy @cheshy
That would be nice :)
cheshy @cheshy
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Yellow Otaku
cheshy @cheshy
Thank you vary much !
cheshy @cheshy
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
cheshy @cheshy
Thank you. Nice to meet you !
Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Yellow Otaku
Manga_bird @manga_bird
It was great! It stayed really moist!
Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Yellow Otaku
Manga_bird @manga_bird
Yes! I made it today! It's a bit messy, but it looks passable haha
Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
Yellow Otaku @yellowotaku
With the power of Chow Mein, I have the power!
Manga_bird @manga_bird
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Yellow Otaku
Manga_bird @manga_bird
Not too bad, busy day cleaning tomorrow, then I'll be baking a cake for Sherflow's 21st on Tuesday.
shawnji @shawnji
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Yellow Otaku
shawnji @shawnji
Not much man, what have you been up to?
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985
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Yellow Otaku
meisterman1985 @meisterman1985