Jet @jetzain
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Jet @jetzain
thats cool then,
so what anime are you planning to watch now?

sam_140 @sam_140
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
sam_140 @sam_140
Oh cool I wanna play it now

Jet @jetzain
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Jet @jetzain
I see, thats good it is good to be out school I believe thats how you feel
more time for anime and Video games
and are you planning to go out on a trip?

sam_140 @sam_140
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
sam_140 @sam_140
Oh thank god v.v and what's it about :o

blank @vesha
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
blank @vesha
Lol that's good

tjkaiyo @tjkaiyo
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
tjkaiyo @tjkaiyo
Yeah sure, what's you're Skype? I'll add you if you don't mind

Jet @jetzain
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
Jet @jetzain
whats up Yellow-kun
ready to go to the other side in Mexico just to see my freinds wedding
thats whats up
what about you? how you been?

blank @vesha
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
blank @vesha
Lol u didn't ?

blank @vesha
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
blank @vesha
Will do!

sam_140 @sam_140
left a comment for
Yellow Otaku
sam_140 @sam_140
Oh cool . . . I'm sorry I never heard of it plz don't kill me :<