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Katsou @fai2568 left a comment for xkatiex
Oct 24, 11 at 1:36am
Lol well not technically gf. Were just sorta dating but nothing serious >.< And yeah since I lost my job I can have a beard again xD. Its not a santa beard or anything like that. Just...Well when I find my camera, not my phone, I'll post a newer pic on FB. I also grew my hair out again. It's almost as long as I usually keep it. Since I'm going to grow it to my shoulders again xD
Katsou @fai2568 left a comment for xkatiex
Oct 23, 11 at 6:12pm
Yeah but they are fun to get too. My friends like my tatto and my gf does too. But its definetly not the same as growing a beard cuz you can get rid of that anytime. Oh btw I have a beard now xD
Dokuji @chibisoul left a comment for xkatiex
Oct 23, 11 at 12:23am
have i already told you that? i can't remember. sorry if i have. >.<
that's okay. i'd just worry i'd regret doing them years down the road. but that's just me. to each their own.
Katsou @fai2568 left a comment for xkatiex
Oct 22, 11 at 6:48pm
Why I like tattoos >.> They make me stand out.
Katsou @fai2568 left a comment for xkatiex
Oct 22, 11 at 12:04pm
Soul Eater skull or something else I have been hinking of.
Dokuji @chibisoul left a comment for xkatiex
Oct 22, 11 at 11:46am
well, you're definitely on the right path then! I'm jealous.. I wish I had my priorities in order. I WAS in school for game design a while ago but it didnt pan out, mostly for personal reasons, I'd love to go back but I can't afford it now
Katsou @fai2568 left a comment for xkatiex
Oct 21, 11 at 9:54pm
Yup if I cant go im getting another tattoo >.>
Katsou @fai2568 left a comment for xkatiex
Oct 21, 11 at 9:03pm
I'm Probably not going to be able to go to youmacon : / My friend who fought cancer...The damage was to bad and its pretty much over...This has got to be my worst week ever...
Dokuji @chibisoul left a comment for xkatiex
Oct 21, 11 at 8:54pm
what type of design exactly? interior or graphics or something else? I just visited a really small family owned design studio today, i think its only run and owned by one or two guys, it seemed like a really relaxed place to work with a lot of freedom do be creative and have fun.
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