ragepath @ragepath
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ragepath @ragepath
hello im new and in az also how are you :)

ragepath @ragepath
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ragepath @ragepath
hello im knew and looking for people in my area or at lest close enough for me to drive lol. hope to chat this sites a bit wrid for dateing as there seems to be no priavte messageing

ishida1017 @ishida1017
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ishida1017 @ishida1017
Sorrry i was away for so long. Im good

Perpetual Thoughts @celestialparticles
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Perpetual Thoughts @celestialparticles
I'm awesome!! Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming out the ps4 looks awesome compared to the xboxone. All seems to be balanced in the world except it's really hot outside for no reason lol.

shoryukenk4 @shoryukenk4
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shoryukenk4 @shoryukenk4
Lol well honestly there aren't many games I don't play. I like anything from fighting, first-person, RPG, racing, and puzzle-type. So let's saaaaay...Street Fighter, Call of Duty...Final Fantasy...Need for Speed....and Tomb Raider. I'm kinda competitive sometimes lol now your turn.

shoryukenk4 @shoryukenk4
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shoryukenk4 @shoryukenk4
You get kool points just for liking video games lol.

Perpetual Thoughts @celestialparticles
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Perpetual Thoughts @celestialparticles
Welcome to the site!! How are you?

ishida1017 @ishida1017
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ishida1017 @ishida1017