guardianofwinds @guardianofwinds
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guardianofwinds @guardianofwinds
Hello there.

midnightchannelfan @midnightchannelfan
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midnightchannelfan @midnightchannelfan
You're correct, most definitely. P5R comes across as more approachable in terms of difficulty because of the quality of life gameplay improvements it brought to the series. P4G is easier on easier difficulties. However, GIRRRRRL, I played on very hard the first time around. It felt humiliating. It was so humbling and humiliating at the same time. No game had ever downsized my ego as aggressively as P4G. Every small win was a huge win, any floor passed without losing was a victory. Surviving half a boss fight...the list goes on. Here is the hilarious part. Once you get a hang on the fusing for the skills and stats as well as when and where to grind for golden hands, you're on the road to beating the game. Once you start new game plus, everything is a breeze. No one is a challenge because you have OP personas from the start, and, at that point, you're just enjoying the ride for the memories and the social links without the hassle. I want to play P5R next year. My backlog's got my 2021 booked.
Yes, season 3 is going to be great. I read the manga and have always wanted to see that last arc animated. It's going to be an emotional roller-coaster.

midnightchannelfan @midnightchannelfan
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midnightchannelfan @midnightchannelfan
Hey, what's up? I dig the thing in your picture. Is that P5R? I recognize it because it reminds me of P4G. It's pretty cool. I haven't played 5 yet. Still replaying 4. I love Fruits Basket too, have you seen the new one? I'm one episode 20 something of the new.

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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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Cutting ties @theghoulieleader
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