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27 year old Female
Last online 2年以上 ago
The dare is over.... But I've come to love it so much so I don't think I want to change it anytime soon ;3
Aug 25, 16 at 1:15pm
I told you that you were my superhero nemesis....but don't worry I built your city back......I love that place....and I love you my superhero nemesis ......so we shall see next time hahaha
Aug 24, 16 at 11:21pm
My family isn't rich, if that's what you're wondering. But no, I'm not poor either, my family living at the US helps us here. Sadly, I live with family members that also work for the government, also my family have several farm places and me being technically the princess of both families also puts me in quite the easy situation. My dad has a good job on a foreign company but even with money he can't really find the basic products here or food. Things are hard but let's just say that I still eat, lots, I have education and I don't work, so I live in quite a good situation compared to many here. Many get bad influenced, born in ghettos, without internet or food. They get easily brain-washed. They have to kill but not all of them are this weak. I know a friend that works really hard for his career and he lives in the most dangerous ghetto of the country. We are born here to be selected. Which is also why I am the way I am, you either dominate or... you get swallowed by the system. This is how the true world is like when you don't submit to false 'freedom' ideas. Where anarchy and crimes rule and the lucky don't care. Thanks God, I'm so blessed.
Aug 24, 16 at 1:22pm
Wertman we regret to inform you but wertropolis has been destroyed by me :P
It's called War-Thunder, basically a mix of World of Tanks & World of Airplanes... but so much more immersive and entertaining! ^_^ Even the trailer had me dribbling with excitement x3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTzHj-R9McA
You know what they say, "War can often bring out the best in everyone" https://67.media.tumblr.com/ad0ecf060d8f31cb23750f1698d77740/tumblr_n8oadwPoBK1rlsez7o1_500.gif ... But then again, some-people just want to see the world burn... http://www.planetdeadly.com/wp-content/uploads/atomic-canon.jpg *Cue Evil Chuckle* ... *Looks around to see everyone staring* ... http://data.whicdn.com/images/75836933/large.gif
Aug 23, 16 at 11:21pm
Hi there ^^
Sounds like a plan buddy, Lord Henge needs to gather follwers and take over the world! :P *Cue Evil Chuckle* http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/list-of-every-single-evil-laugh/images/5/5a/260.gif/revision/latest?cb=20150529111827
Aug 22, 16 at 12:48am
I know! I dont want be nasty! D; I want to look good and stronk. Gotta make those sexy gains But for now, this is me\ http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/0613/adventuretime-gifs-finndance.gif
Aug 22, 16 at 12:32am
Took me a sec to realize what you did there. haha xD Nice. But yeah, i dont skip no days. :D http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view3/2195620/buff-squidward-dancing-o.gif Im a be buff like squidward