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27 year old Female
Last online 2年以上 ago
Aug 07, 16 at 11:32pm
What would be the point in giving you what you want for free? That kinda ruins the whole thing. Perish without your urges being satisfied. http://45.media.tumblr.com/80bb36c20c7e6b79a680035b77694bcd/tumblr_nb7u01rzAd1qa94xto1_250.gif
Aug 07, 16 at 11:29pm
Lol, not fuckin' likely. It took five years because I switched school a few times and did a study abroad program in London. :3
Aug 07, 16 at 10:21pm
My friend, there a lot of things you can abuse haha! Your image of me will change after this, but I do not mind revealing some "techniques." These were the ones I personally utilized when I played to win and they are most easily abusable when you are the jungler. Research your opponents and find the one that is on a losing streak. Chances are that that opponent is already frustrated. So, you camp him. You get him to tilt even harder and tilt loses games. Get in their head and force them to rage at their team and more specifically, their jungler. 2. Once they start raging at each other and once they decide to argue in all chat, force them to fight each other. They will undoubtedly blame one another in all chat, so when that happens, go ahead and support the person you camped. He's already died so many times that he's probably irrelevant, so next, it's time to take out the jungler's mindset. When the laner starts accusing their jungler of letting you do what you want and they start fighting, say something along the lines of "Oh, I'm sorry, man. If I was YOUR jungler, I would've ganked for you." Then, he will use what you said to attack his own jungler. I can get pretty sadistic when I want to win. I pray that you do not see this side of me haha
Sunbae @alanzd Ahh, man... I'm terrible :)
i will not give in to the trap https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/60309986.jpg back you creature of temptation you know i cant resist thigh highs >.>
those were good times wert good times https://media3.giphy.com/media/hefGHiVHTI10c/200_s.gif
mariahaise @mariahaise I'm gonna screenshot your names bye
Aug 07, 16 at 9:13pm
Theatre, with a focus in acting & directing. :D
Aug 07, 16 at 6:30pm
Oh, you know. Riddled with panic attacks and college debt and attempting to feel better about it by immersing myself in the fantasy world of cartoons, like any millennial. c:
Aug 07, 16 at 4:54pm
That's is that basics of jungling haha. I do not play as hardcore as I used to, but you also need to know the powerspikes of all the champions currently in play and abuse it. It's usually better to pick an early power jungler like Nidalee or a jungler that offers a lot of Soloqueue swag like Jarvan.
think of all the good times we had baka http://i.imgur.com/PNqsLza.gif
Aug 07, 16 at 3:56pm
That's interesting haha. Jungle is actually my favorite role. It's really the only role that allows you to affect every part of the map whenever you want and top lane is the lane that is least likely to affect the map. I think that is why I do not like playing top. JG is definitely my favorite role, but my best role is Mid by far.