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27 year old Female
Last online 2年以上 ago
They say carrots are the Goku(go to) for your eyes, well you must be one with my eyes glowing as such when I look at you. http://img02.deviantart.net/b7ec/i/2011/056/3/2/carrot_8u_by_mamacharms-d3aewy1.png
Wert la Wert's How to thwart a Mugger STEP1: kick to the junk http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/cqkdhtp7bbi0lj2qv67u.jpg STEP2: roundhouse kick https://qph.is.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-e259c31370eeade5f377e0a3833fb197?convert_to_webp=true STEP3: Kamehameha http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonballfanon/images/4/4d/Kamehameha_(Goku).jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130907131944 STEP4: transform https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MA8ecSZlUqk/hqdefault.jpg STEP5: get "plot" https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZCEoAu8kOII/maxresdefault.jpg
I want to bear your children!
Yeah, it would be pretty cool to play with a friend through the campaign. But yeah, at least it has multiplayer! Hopefully it's as good as the campaign ^^
Yeah haha, even though I'm playing on "normal" it's still difficult at times. And I don't think it has co-op for the campaign, at least from what I can tell =( But it does have multiplayer, which I'll have to try out eventually once I beat the game. ^^
Yeah haha, just got it today. Not too far into it, almost on the 4th mission. I'm just playing on "Hurt me plenty" difficulty, because I'm too afraid to play on Nightmare due to my previous failures with the other games xD My friend told me I should try out Ultra-Nightmare difficulty (If you die at all you have to start from the beginning) but I think he just wants me to break my controller lol. And oh that's ironic lol, it's a really fun game so far. You should try it sometime ^^
Glad to hear you're doing good, and that's always a plus! Haha =3 And it's the weekend, whoop! But anywho, I'm doing pretty good, just messing around on MO and playing Doom. What about yourself?
Oh dang that was fast xD And no problem man, thanks for accepting it ^^
Hey, hope you don't mind that I sent you a friend request. How are you? =)
@nosebleedgirl I love you and ur nosebleed. I would sail across a sea of noseblood for your eternal love. I would dying 1000 times from nosebleeds or am opportunity to hold ur hand. You are the reason I have nosebleeds. You are the only reason why I will have nosebleeds. You are the blood that comes out my nose. http://images4.fanpop.com/image/articles/103000/anime_103890_top.jpg?cache=1302748434
queeneymemey @queenmemester i rate nosebleed/10