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Lishifu @hakutaku left a comment for waterlily_ann
Apr 07, 19 at 1:24am
Welcome back!
Apr 07, 19 at 1:03am
https://i.imgur.com/4txxgBs.gif Best girl is back. :0
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann man i did see that LOL there are quite a bit of best girl threads XD
Baka @reinhardt76 left a comment for waterlily_ann
Apr 07, 19 at 12:50am
This account has been suspended.
正義の味方 @gundamu Gotta say MO was a different place without Ann's wholesomeness. :u
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann Wellllll....I figured that the motivational thread would be.....the best thread to announce my sudden reappearance. LOL Think of me as that character you forgot about until I appeared at a very crucial moment that becomes a complete game changer! GOMENASAI~! https://media1.tenor.com/images/a34994ac55c3b73534313b1cc516a107/tenor.gif?itemid=9975253
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann I mean it seems like some things are still the same. like megane monday, tomoko tuesday, lingerie friday. LOL
Jan 08, 19 at 7:33am
Hey, nice choices of Key anime. What is your favorite Key anime/ visual novel? Love the atmosphere and music in general, maybe i just like having my emotions hurt and need my dose of Key ;)
So, glasses turn you on, do they? ;)
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann lol i do like the meganeee
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for waterlily_ann
Nov 25, 18 at 1:44am
Do you collect dolls? o.O Just curious. Also what kind of job do you have that makes you so busy? I'm afraid I'll be just as busy once I am a career man ~___~.
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann sadly not. I do dress in lolita though :D I travel a lot for work.
Neverland @dakoya That sounds pretty fun. Traveling I mean, but that might depend on the person though >.>... Do you get to travel internationally or just within your own country?
Lamby @momoichi left a comment for waterlily_ann
Nov 08, 18 at 1:34pm
greetings hooman https://media.giphy.com/media/WYEWpk4lRPDq0/giphy.gif
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann Hey Lamby *hugz* how are you? <3
This account has been suspended.
waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann man i missed it D: been a long while @_@
Ohayou minna-san~ I hope everyone has a fun and wonderful thigh high sunday~ &lt;3 Be safe and make the weekend last :3 After today, I wanted to let my peepz know that I have been fine although I have been busy. I will be going to work with long shifts with only one day off each week for about a month. So, feel free to message and stuff still. If anyone ever has a problem or issue going on, just contact me and ask for my discord or whatnot. I may take some time to reply but I'll get there. I hope everyone has an amazing finish to October and have a Happy Halloween! I appreciate and am proud of you all. Life is difficult at times but if you're still breathing and kicking then you're doing great. Even if you don't think you're that awesome or whatever flaw that's distracting you from seeing the awesomeness, I say to work on yourself because you are awesome and irreplaceable. I will come back around mid-November so please take of yourself everyone! ^^)/ Ta-ta for now~ https://media1.tenor.com/images/94cc22db15e54cfeb2482dc8d6838d3a/tenor.gif?itemid=5689130 I will still try to log on when I can so I hope it won't be too rough @w@)/ Ok, Take Care. Ja-Ne~~~
Oct 12, 18 at 5:33pm
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