Inygma @traplover69
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Inygma @traplover69
You hurt my feed with that vanilla stuff, send pictures of people hand holding now that’s lewd

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann hand holding eh? o: ok

sanityfan @sanityfan
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sanityfan @sanityfan
Hey lets dm chat

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann sure thing? xD

makokako @makokako
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makokako @makokako

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann YESSSS~ GIMME SOME DANGANRONPA LOVE ;3

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21
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Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann so cuteee~ <3

Dingo @dingo
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Dingo @dingo
Hi, hope we can chat some day.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann sure, why not? whats up? :P

judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
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judgmentoftherain @judgmentoftherain
This account has been suspended.

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann haha xD rem or ram? xD unless you mean rem in terms of radiation XD

koyote2033 @koyote2303
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koyote2033 @koyote2303
One piece is the main one I'm behind on. Dragonball super ended, but i haven't finished. There's a few others. The 7 deadly sins as i mentioned. Overlord, attack on titan, and i think a new dan machi was out. Oh! I was also watching wolf's children with a friend before the review derailed it lol

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann oh man, one piece. RIP xD and here's a box of tissue for wolf's children XD I have a bit to catch up on like cells at work this season @w@

koyote2033 @koyote2303 Yeah lol i caught up in the 400s. Fishman Island I think. If you count the times I've watched different arcs, I've probably watched the whole thing 5 times, at least. Up to punk hazard anyway. Lol it's gonna be that sort of ending huh? I figured. I'm still surprised I hadn't seen it before lol. I've watched a number of great anime from that era XD what's cells at work? A chemistry anime??

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann haha yes that kind of anime. Um, lets see >w> yesss my human anatomy classes came in handy for this preparation of this anime haha XD

koyote2033 @koyote2303 Lol nice! I'm more on the math, physics and philosophy side of science. Chem some, but never anatomy or physiology XD. Or even bio. No more than i had to anyway lol. Sounds pretty interesting though! Does it have gore and dissection?

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann well i mean human anatomy, i assume you should have some hands on lab xD I know i had to deal with 2 cadavers. That was fun and cool but man that formaldehyde~ phoeeey O:

koyote2033 @koyote2303 Well, I do have some hands on anatomy experience lol it was just never in a lab or a classroom that I was studying it XD XD definately never dealt wth cadavers. But I do know that formaldehyde smell x.x its a doozy

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann yeah haha it was neat xD lots of hours too

koyote2033 @koyote2303 Its pretty crazy stuff lol. Had a friend send me a photo once, check this out! Fucker's holding human heart XD like dude XD do you use your anatomy knowledge in your profession?

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann oh man o: no....kind of xD

koyote2033 @koyote2303 What's your profession then XD butchery? Kind of anatomy

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann lol well i mean it helps to know the anatomy because i possibly deal with nuclear radiation that can affect le body in possible negative ways..........like i dunno... your eyes/skin/etc. no bueno yo

koyote2033 @koyote2303 Oh I actually know a small bit about that. I lived in Pismo and there was a nuclear power reactor nearby. We had siren tests twice a year and would get iodine pills and there was info explaining the effects and all that. Evacuation plans and everything XD

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann oh thats neat xD yes its definitely a thing for evacuation plans.Good to pay attention x3

blaze11 @blaze11
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blaze11 @blaze11
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waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann lolz xD um my taste steers more towards tease-able content than full out hentai xD

Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
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Panda-kun™ @hell_hound7
in response to the pic you posted

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann YESSSS xD

sanityfan @sanityfan
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sanityfan @sanityfan

waterlily_ann @waterlily_ann whats up? :D