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Last online 5日 ago
Luna(Ronnie) @lunanamikaze left a comment for ロイ
Aug 12, 13 at 2:38pm
rosevane @rosevane left a comment for ロイ
Aug 12, 13 at 9:43am
And I wish but no its just a regular necklace
rosevane @rosevane left a comment for ロイ
Aug 12, 13 at 9:40am
Haha yea I'm going to start going to it again
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn left a comment for ロイ
Aug 12, 13 at 6:49am
Okay :)
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn left a comment for ロイ
Aug 12, 13 at 12:02am
Okay, have fun ^^ The ones I have are apps for my ipod though, I don't know if they have sites as well or not
Haruu @haruu left a comment for ロイ
Aug 11, 13 at 11:02pm
YEP! I'll probably enjoy it too. I have this weird relationship with school/schoolwork. I love it and love having so much to do/finish *is a workaholic* but I hate it at the same time. It's a little odd. e__e;;
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn left a comment for ロイ
Aug 11, 13 at 10:47am
It was~ That is what I do when I meet random people lol I hang out with them for multiple hours and befriend them XD haha :D Okay now my ipod is lighting up, so these are the programs I use: Busuu, free and super good, though you may want to perchase it once you get through things to unlock more. Tae Kim's guide to Learning Japanese, also free and teaches one hiragana and katakana as well as other stuff Learn Japanese, another free one kind of like Busuu but more common things that you would use if you came to Japan. Busuu is also helpful with that, but its if you are befriending people, etc. And then there are other kanji ones and such like that you don't want to do until you have a firm grasp of hiragana and katakana.
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn left a comment for ロイ
Aug 11, 13 at 9:57am
Well, again, I took two years of Japanese at school. Then I use different programs for kanji and learning stuff. Apps on my ipod and such like :) I have to charge my ipod to tell you their exact names (it died on me today, I met a guy at the park today and hung out with him for 4.5 hours and constantly had to use my Japanese English dictionary on it lol)
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn left a comment for ロイ
Aug 11, 13 at 9:43am
Ah~ Yeah, I'm pretty good at self teaching :)
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn left a comment for ロイ
Aug 10, 13 at 10:05pm
School and now self teaching, then I'm also going to take it in college.