Im into mainly Mystery(Detective Conan,Another,Monster,etc.),Romance, and Sports Anime/Manga to an extent, as well as anime similar to One Piece and Naruto. I watch anime when I get the chance since I work and play games more often.
A livestreamer on Twitch, Discord Guy(Valioa Justice#4243 is my ID), Gamer, Speedrunner, Guide/Tutorial Maker, and a hardworking man thats looking to get a better job tbh.
As for my personality... Im the type of guy that likes a challenge, a problem solver if you will. I can be pretty helpful when needed, but sometimes if i'm overwhelmed by all the requests for help, I can get quite irritated. One other issue with me is, I think too complicated. I overthink and become indecisive quite frequently. sadface
Big Basketball fanboy x.x
Ethnicity: African American with a little bit of everything at low percentages (18 total ethnicities within me xd)
tldr; A black guy with a white man voice lul
A livestreamer on Twitch, Discord Guy(Valioa Justice#4243 is my ID), Gamer, Speedrunner, Guide/Tutorial Maker, and a hardworking man thats looking to get a better job tbh.
As for my personality... Im the type of guy that likes a challenge, a problem solver if you will. I can be pretty helpful when needed, but sometimes if i'm overwhelmed by all the requests for help, I can get quite irritated. One other issue with me is, I think too complicated. I overthink and become indecisive quite frequently. sadface
Big Basketball fanboy x.x
Ethnicity: African American with a little bit of everything at low percentages (18 total ethnicities within me xd)
tldr; A black guy with a white man voice lul