BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323

Me and Lea. XD

9TailedFox @uzimachi Told ya that yesterday u the huntress on the bike lea the crazy haley on roller skates xd

BlackHeart @blackheart323 XD i knew I shuld watch that with her but we rather drank and play those cards

9TailedFox @uzimachi XD was prob also fun XD

BlackHeart @blackheart323 Idk if I shuld know everything that she told me but was fun xd

9TailedFox @uzimachi haha XD

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323

9TailedFox @uzimachi Jup u and hills xd

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323

My day just got better lol.

9TailedFox @uzimachi I wonder why xd u finaly got to this point where they go togather

9TailedFox @uzimachi About time right they got togather xd

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323

When not even my grandma knows how to write my name. , _,

Amir @amir_bahram Oof I feel this.

9TailedFox @uzimachi hahaha how the hell this that came out she ur grany XD

BlackHeart @blackheart323 Idk - _- and she writen Kiara Haložan Valentinčič like wutttttt

9TailedFox @uzimachi XD time to rename u XD jk jk u prob told her she fucked up big time XD

BlackHeart @blackheart323 She listening about it all day XD...

9TailedFox @uzimachi GJ XD make sure she remembers her mistakes XD XD

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323

9TailedFox @uzimachi na zacetk rawr XD

BlackHeart @blackheart323 Mhm that guy huh interisting

9TailedFox @uzimachi ye he sliped like a snake

BlackHeart @blackheart323 Interisting didn't knew u like that. I fully support u.

9TailedFox @uzimachi support what the guy who left nono

BlackHeart @blackheart323 Nothing nothing

9TailedFox @uzimachi je kjut k je tamali kupu cuker pa pomagu igrat na tistih stohnicah

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323
How did cpp go huh xD failed right?

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323

I saw that one today if ur still interested in buying BMW. Its BMW f800gs but its 2010 tho.
Other one is BMW 310 GS which is 2018 (would recommend u more for first bike) ^^

9TailedFox @uzimachi 310 gs dont look that good in my opinion tho

BlackHeart @blackheart323 xD idk looks pretty nice in my opinion but ye tracer looks better but in my opinion u shouldn't start with bigger cc then 600 but thats up to u ^^

9TailedFox @uzimachi tracer has the same engine and power as the MT-07 that ill be driving in the school tho

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323

^^ si vidu? Im prob gonna go after im done with all stuff for today.

9TailedFox @uzimachi Nisi ti v toplicah??

BlackHeart @blackheart323 XD about that one... I really needed to see doctor about some stuff in the morning so couldn't go. Im prob gonna go tomorrow? I think

9TailedFox @uzimachi U think xd

BlackHeart @blackheart323 XD ....... ye i think....

9TailedFox @uzimachi Xd u could ask u know xd

BlackHeart @blackheart323 Noooo cuz that means we gonna go for sure ......... I wanna stay at home ,_, Lea was thinking of coming over I wanna dragg her with me tbh xD

BlackHeart @blackheart323 "Zakaj se po Izoli ribe lovijo po polčniku?" xDDD

9TailedFox @uzimachi XD realy with thhose fishes XD

BlackHeart @blackheart323 xD Joke of the year tho.

9TailedFox @uzimachi yes i do agree with that XD

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323

xD Teja was like that when she still worked out with me haha

9TailedFox @uzimachi Xd

BlackHeart @blackheart323
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BlackHeart @blackheart323

9TailedFox @uzimachi Hell yee that shit sucks xd

9TailedFox @uzimachi