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Blue @blueroselover left a comment for blood&icecream
Feb 17, 16 at 6:28pm
HE may lie in your bed, but he'll always sleep in mine~ https://33.media.tumblr.com/a2648a05da9869ddcff539c835407bc6/tumblr_inline_mvcndhRtO41s4ulpd.gif
Feb 17, 16 at 5:32pm
That is crazy lol. Yeah it would have been more fitting if they had done that on one of their side storm games instead, they actually did come to think of it though i didn't get that game for that reason. I really didn't care for them adding a substitution gauge in the second game and I still don't care for it a couple of games later. If you're not really skilled with your timing and guarding then after four substitutions you're pretty much screwed. But all the changes seem to be okay this time around. I wouldn't mind any "unfortunate" incidents lol. I doubt it though. On any swimsuit outfits the characters will probably only end up dirty which in any regard would be disappointing to call "costume damage". But also I've noticed that if you knock a skirted character on the ground and have just the right viewpoint it will be all black space anyway so probably no worries about any "incidents" occurring lol.
Feb 17, 16 at 4:25pm
Yeah it's pretty nice to hear the original game music ^_^ It seems like it will cost about $32 total for it to get to me which isn't too bad I guess. Stinks that the shipping costs half the price of the actual thing but I guess that's not too bad considering its oversea shipping. I'll probably open my translation app on my phone and hope google can do a decent if not entertaining translation lol. The gameplay itself is as good as it ever was in my opinion. The graphics they use to "tell the story" for what that's worth....well they aren't poor but well it's easier for you just to take a look yourself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlEsc09xYk8 Start watching at the 31 minute mark for about a minute and you will see what I mean. Also just be aware that there are story spoilers depending on WHERE you are in the series. If you are aware of what Izanami is in Shippuden then this probably isn't a spoiler and no worries then. Had to think a minute of how to gauge where you were without spoiling anything lol. Hard to not throw in a possible spoiler when gauging what might "be" a spoiler XD Now that you mention it...I think they might have although I'm only thinking of characters that were in Revolution as "support only" characters. I haven't unlocked everybody though but I know that certain characters like the Sound Four will be DLC. Well for starters they brought back the ability to fight/climb on the walls though for some reason they didn't had that ability to every level so its a try and fail thing to figure out which levels allow that. They also added the ability to switch your playable character with your support characters mid battle so you can start a combo and even switch with your support during the combo. Nice addition if you want to try playing many new characters but don't want to have to go through the character select screen as many times. They've also added jutsu effects depending on the element such as fire continuously burns the opponent and damages them, water jutsu ontop of a water area increases the damage and lightning jutsu ontop of water releases a small unblockable thing of lighting just before starting the jutsu. That's as far as I'm aware for the jutsu. Certain characters like Pain now have some special moves when awakened that they didn't have in the previous game (moves meaning D pad buttons) and something they call "armor break" where after a certain amount of damage is dealt the characters appearance changes *varies, sometimes its pretty poor to call it a visual difference* Such as clothes or torn or armor is completely removed or in sad cases all that seems different is that the character looks a little dirtier upon "close" inspection. They've also added a few things that make travel in the adventure mode a little easier/faster but I've just started that so I'm not sure about all thing new things/changes there.
Feb 17, 16 at 3:49pm
Going to try and get a free moment away from my dogs to take a shower then I'll get back to you.
Feb 17, 16 at 3:15pm
Sorry about the wait. Apperently it comes with a booklet that has an interview with the composer of the music though of course it will be in Japanese lol. Here's a link about it. http://www.gamnesia.com/news/Pokemon-is-Getting-a-Super-Soundtrack-of-Red-and-Green-Including-Music-f They've added some new things that are enjoyable but there are some downsides. The story isn't presented the same so it almost seems a little cheaper, presented as semi-still pictures, kind of a in-between a still and the anime itself. They've also made S ranks annoyingly difficult because you basically have to have all *90% minimum* your health to get an S rank in that category and it seems like if your missing the health s rank than you can only get an A rank overall. I'm enjoying it be there were definitely some of the previous games aspects that I preferred more.
Feb 17, 16 at 2:18pm
I haven't thought about it too much yet. I know I have to shower and pick my dad up from the airport later tonight so will work around those things. I might pre-order the pokemon red and green soundtrack on the Japanese amazon today. For fun I might work on my gundam model or maybe play Ninja Storm 4. How about you?
slu99er @slu99er left a comment for blood&icecream
Feb 17, 16 at 2:15pm
True dat,true dat
Feb 17, 16 at 2:11pm
Doing pretty good, just got off of work about 20 mins ago.
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