First and foremost, I'm a OG nerd through and through.
Anime, art (illustration), music, gaming, snowboarding and the L.A. Kings are what fuel my passion engine. When I'm not working, I'm most likely doing (or thinking about doing) one of the aforementioned activities. Plus swimming, I suppose, as I like to swim for fitness.
I love making people laugh and I've been blessed (or perhaps cursed?) with a highly infectious laughter that those whom know me see as something of a trademark. I'm very gracious and appreciative. I hold family in high regard, I love cooking and eating, as much as diving head first into a block of anime or gaming, or animated discussions about said anime or games. I write and play music, as well as try my hand at my own brand of manga and storytelling.
My heart and soul are much younger than my statistics would bely and I get on well with most folks as my closest friends' ages vary wildly. I'm often told I look very young for my age. I'm typically fairly laid back but I can get quite intense concerning things in passionate about.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to drop me a message. Thanks for taking the time to read this little bio, I appreciate it.
Anime, art (illustration), music, gaming, snowboarding and the L.A. Kings are what fuel my passion engine. When I'm not working, I'm most likely doing (or thinking about doing) one of the aforementioned activities. Plus swimming, I suppose, as I like to swim for fitness.
I love making people laugh and I've been blessed (or perhaps cursed?) with a highly infectious laughter that those whom know me see as something of a trademark. I'm very gracious and appreciative. I hold family in high regard, I love cooking and eating, as much as diving head first into a block of anime or gaming, or animated discussions about said anime or games. I write and play music, as well as try my hand at my own brand of manga and storytelling.
My heart and soul are much younger than my statistics would bely and I get on well with most folks as my closest friends' ages vary wildly. I'm often told I look very young for my age. I'm typically fairly laid back but I can get quite intense concerning things in passionate about.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to drop me a message. Thanks for taking the time to read this little bio, I appreciate it.