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Tri Tri <3

Last online 約6年 ago
*Persona 3 future arc* I got dibs on Kyosuke being the traitor. At first I thought Chisa but he rubs me the wrong way. I have my points of view but would be considered *spoiler* to those who havent started yet. So ill refrain...,,,,,.....:(
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23 Side remark: I swear that girl in the wheelchair looks just like monaca o_o.
Jul 19, 16 at 6:31pm
I feel where you coming from..I don't have any lined up yet but berserk is one for sure
nyangray @nyangray left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Jul 19, 16 at 11:35am
I really really wanna watch anime xD I started watching an anime called golden time and got hooked. >.&lt; I guess on the bright side when I get back online there will be one or two more stuff to watch when I go anime hunting
nyangray @nyangray left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Jul 19, 16 at 11:28am
Yea still in PA lol well the reason I ended up moving was because someone in my family passed away recently and I'm here supporting my mom and tying to take care of myself at the same time. Recently people I used to be close starting to lose contact with them. Been trying to do my own thing and work on myself. Still coping with the changes for the most part. Some days are harder tho Which star ocean were ya playing :D just started playing last hope recently ^ ^ first playthrough actually lol revently played other games like fallout new Vegas and borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360. Fallout is a really really buggy game xD had a ton of frustrating, game breaking moments due to dlc and save game corruption. I took a break from the game tho~ much prefer the PC version + mods >w&lt; I mostly just hung out with an old friend and was introduced to pokemon go tho I literally have no knowledge of pokemon which takes some people a back xD I'm like that with other things too, completely outta loop with stuff. I rarely watch TV and the shows I bring up already ended or got cancelled xD so I guess I wouldn't make much of a conversationalist in that area either.
Got a meeting in the morning, should really be getting to bed. http://media.giphy.com/media/9ywqHg2758oRq/giphy.gif
My sisters work, (;_;) I can only dream. http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q782/tritri23/CAM00328_zps6440c17c.jpg http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q782/tritri23/f4dwrq_zps62781875.jpg
Dug up another one I think this one is from 2007..... http://i1359.photobucket.com/albums/q782/tritri23/3847_zpsde5507a9.jpg
nyangray @nyangray left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Jul 16, 16 at 9:20pm
Oh xD and it seems Pokemon's real popular atm because of pokemon go :O
nyangray @nyangray left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Jul 16, 16 at 9:19pm
Watch the footsteps but never follow... if you want to live tomorrow... steal a soul for a second chance :o but you'll never become a man. Hello! Lol I moved again so I won't have internet for a lil bit. (On mobile now) tis been awhile lol Come to think of it a lot has happened since we last spoke :O anywho hope all is well from your end
Thank you for accepting! :3 how are you?