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Tri Tri <3

Last online 約6年 ago
Oh same, I've seen Haikyuu and Free and I think they are very good :3 Oh I see, it would be hard to suggest (I can try ^^) but have you seen Mirai Nikki.?
Jun 15, 16 at 2:24am
Thank her name is iris heart from the hyperdimension series
nyangray @nyangray left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Jun 14, 16 at 9:04pm
been watching e3 lately, and saw a few games that caught my eye though at this point i still need to get my hands on a ps4 xD they're still too expensive for me atm. my ps3 broke down on me recently, but that's because i moved a lot and it got damaged in storage. boxes fell on it and crushed it.
nyangray @nyangray left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Jun 14, 16 at 9:00pm
i did? xD wait i'm a lil confused lols i noticed mai waifu-err i mean ah maiotaku tends to error out on me sometimes when replying to people so hopefully i didn't end up double posting yet without me realizing it. did you already sent me a buddy request at some point? hmm... anywho, i think i gotcha added now. anywho the first time i played i lost to Cerberus a whole bunch of times until i got angry and just went ape shhticks and eventually beat him >w&lt; though i kinda learned his attack patterns so now he's pretty easy to deal with. same thing happened when i fought angi and rudra. the cutscene was pretty darn hilarious when you collected them after the battle. i'm bout to hit send O .o hope it dun error out on me... when it does, after refreshing it usually just post it but i'm not totally sure if it's legit or not. 1...2... 2 and a half... mooooo! *click* (copies message to clipboard just in case)
Jun 14, 16 at 7:26pm
I'm fine. Just finished the semester and now going to winter break
Ed~ @yamadaed left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Jun 14, 16 at 5:47pm
This account has been suspended.
not really because i dont talk much
No problem it is nice for you appealing my request
XD how I feel right now. #Qudoba http://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/e2/9c/08/e29c08e591a53d6cb6b53d4c3194ac1d.jpg
Ed~ @yamadaed left a comment for Tri Tri <3
Jun 13, 16 at 12:36pm
This account has been suspended.