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38 year old Male
Last online 13年以上 ago
im 24 years old, born and raised in ohio, living in san diego. ive been all over the united states and love to see new things. i like to have fun with whatever im doing which most people seem to misconstrue as immature. i like taco bell, anime (obviously,) metal, green grass, animals, travel, anything that makes me laugh, driving, walking around barefoot, sleeping, stealing pizza from roomates, football and swearing....good or bad, you decide...i hate heat, hot dogs on the pizza i just stole, traffic jams, fake people, the entire state of michigan and soccer. i would like to find someone with similar interests as myself so i have someone to hang out with in southern callifornia. im not much of a social person so its hard for me to meet new people. if your looking to meet a good guy with a great heart, let me know, ive got alot of love to give.