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Jacksonville, FL
mischa @mischa left a comment for Shadower
Dec 30, 15 at 4:54pm
I was wondering if you are even sleeping~~ youre so hardworking~ ahhh its almost new year's here. Will you still work on new year's my twin?
Verflixt @verflixt left a comment for Shadower
Dec 29, 15 at 9:18pm
Ah, sorry I haven't started my PC in a little over a month due to AP English and work so it was slow to start this time. I'll add you the next time you're on.
Off to work.
oh well tomorrow~ Imma invade her house. no response from her. then I'll bug her until she will come out. XD
Time to play some Warframe, haven't been on in a week. I've been a bad clan leader lately lol.
mischa @mischa left a comment for Shadower
Dec 28, 15 at 8:08pm
I did sleep well but now going to run some errands and will be back after 5 hours or so. Ahhh~ youre so hardworking...12 hours?! *gasped* I...I cant even do that.
Thank you for your advices. And I had a great time having a convo with you. I'll update you as soon as I can get in touch with her. Oyasumi~nasai! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Time for a nap after almost 14 hours of being awake.
mischa @mischa left a comment for Shadower
Dec 27, 15 at 10:04pm
I write but I dont bfinish but most of them are mushy stuff anyway kekekeke. I think you are not eveb into that things hahahha.Anyways, take care my twin!good luck on your work~~~
Off to work, it's gonna be a long 12 hours. .__.