arsh_ichigo @arsh_ichigo
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arsh_ichigo @arsh_ichigo
Yeah... am from Kenya

Sofia @gonebythenight
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Sofia @gonebythenight
Nowadays I don't really get pushed away for it. But nowadays it's also harder to make close friends in general. In middle and high school I have sadly been pushed away for this interest. I'm quite introverted and shy on top of that.. so it's hard for me to make friends in the first place. Liking anime/manga certainly isn't the only reason I struggle with making friends.

zethus @zethus
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zethus @zethus
Running around at the speed of sound
Got places to go
Got to follow my rainbow

tantan29 @tantan29
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tantan29 @tantan29
im just here out of boredom

no @sarauwu
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no @sarauwu
allow me to refresh your memory, the comment you left for angel, it made my day may the gods watch over your every battle.

no @sarauwu
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no @sarauwu
I spat out my water reading what you wrote a few day's ago, kudos to you man you are a god.

TheBoredAdventurer @theboredadventurer clearly im a god but i dont even remember what i said lol

Angel @nekoxtenshi
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Angel @nekoxtenshi
haha thank you ^^

TheBoredAdventurer @theboredadventurer i hope i said all the wrong things, really worked my ass off to get that to sound as bad as it did

yuzuna @yuzuna
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yuzuna @yuzuna
Not rly :)

TheBoredAdventurer @theboredadventurer lol i gotchu. what do you hope to get from MO? cure for boredom?

wolfgirl19 @wolfgirl19
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wolfgirl19 @wolfgirl19
I haven't been for a while so sorry for the late reply
But nice to meet to you!

TheBoredAdventurer @theboredadventurer dont worry about it, god knows i go waaay long not going to certain sites just because i forget lol

peachyfranxx @peachyfranxx
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peachyfranxx @peachyfranxx
Never got into m8