neet-one @neetone
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neet-one @neetone
Not a whole lot, working on a new display for my figs.
Yeah I totally know what you mean, last thing anyone wants is some creepy pervert hitting on them out of nowhere. While I haven't been hanging around here for very long though, it seems that's just how this place works for the most part.
Seems many people in spite of being active just keep to PMs and comments, mostly due to being shy I guess. I know it can be hard taking that first step when you find a girl you like but you just gotta for it and it just remind yourself 'whats the worst that can happen?'. worst case scenario she doesn't respond to your message, so you just move on. waiting for them to come to you will only get you so far.
so, you hail from a or jp? I'm guessing a.
neet-one @neetone
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neet-one @neetone
Even posting tons on the forums will only get you so far from what I can see. At the end of the day you just gotta be out going and willing to socialize I think. oh and hi.
the_ronery_anon @the_ronery_anon
the_ronery_anon @the_ronery_anon
So ronery... *tumbleweed bounces by* I guess the only solution is to be super prolific in the forums...