that_one_weeb @that_one_weeb
that_one_weeb @that_one_weeb
Being single's not so bad, enjoy it while you can
that_one_weeb @that_one_weeb
that_one_weeb @that_one_weeb
Death Stranding be like "MULE's will ignore you if you don't have any cargo"
Me: Bet "Walks towards one that then proceeds to attack me"
Well that was a fluffing lie
that_one_weeb @that_one_weeb
that_one_weeb @that_one_weeb
Log on to see 5 new messages thinking "oh sweet" All of them are bots
that_one_weeb @that_one_weeb
that_one_weeb @that_one_weeb
Don't recall the last time a girl has even told me she likes me
that_one_weeb @that_one_weeb
that_one_weeb @that_one_weeb
The Dominator USB