madara0727 @madara0727
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madara0727 @madara0727
Hello there how are you?

ryuuma_ @ryuuma_
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ryuuma_ @ryuuma_
My apologies for late reply...it's been a while since I've been on here. I'm doing good, how about your-self?

djschnitzel @djschnitzel
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djschnitzel @djschnitzel
you just reminded me of that show with your picture
i didnt enjoy it as much as you probaply did but thanks anyways for the memorises i am experiencing of me coming home from elementary school watching cartoons and anime

Tenbatsu @tenbatsu
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Tenbatsu @tenbatsu
Oh that is cool mine is the uncle and Cashier that's awesome i used to work retail as well i was more out side playing frogger with carts to bad it was seasonal now i work odd jobs such as painting and moving heavy boxes

kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
Hey, how's it going?! I've been watching a bit of jackie chan on netflix lol. Dunno how I feel about the english cast but meh...thought I'd mention it because of the avatar.

Juveh @juveh
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Juveh @juveh
ah ok

Juveh @juveh
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Juveh @juveh
Eh I was working in the ER today it was busy like crazy

Juveh @juveh
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Juveh @juveh
Just got out of work so it's cool

lmaooooooo @imjustnormalguy
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lmaooooooo @imjustnormalguy

Juveh @juveh
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Juveh @juveh
Nope not at all, it's been a little busy today
Jul 22
Sep 20-22
Apr 18-19
Apr 23-24