kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
Ya know now I have this image like in the movies where they hand food to a prisoner inside a cell and it just goes poof...is that kinda what happens in the box. An abyss or something? Also, pick up your trash sir! You have an entire box of room! xD Don't overdo it at work.

kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
So what has the box been up to over the holidays? How does a box consume the turkey feast? o.O

fateinthecards @fateinthecards85
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fateinthecards @fateinthecards85
Thanks very much for the welcome dood I appreciate it!

kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
I've been in university too I just don't do the work often enough like I'm supposed to (shh) not all of us are lucky enough to have a box to hide in! It's cool, glad you're doing okay mate! Have a good weekend! x3

TrueMandalorian @truemandalorian
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TrueMandalorian @truemandalorian
Hey box man

kaizu™ @finecanine
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kaizu™ @finecanine
So, how is ross the box this fine evening? o.O

leaf @leaf
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leaf @leaf
I try

kamuileelyrica @kamuileelyrica
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kamuileelyrica @kamuileelyrica
I'm curious, what kind of tales do you tell? ;w;

Get Backers @getbackers
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Get Backers @getbackers
Naa i'll call you TaleTell k.^^

Get Backers @getbackers
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Get Backers @getbackers
Hello TaleTellerinabox, here is a pic of our friendship.^^ http://static.zerochan.net/Getbackers.full.871403.jpg