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32 year old Female
Last online 4日 ago
Nov 29, 18 at 5:07am
Hey! How's it going?
Nov 27, 18 at 1:45am
When Goblins meet the Goblin Slayer. (Special crossover episode)
Nov 24, 18 at 9:41pm
One day, most likely one of my sisters will have it at their place and I'll get to try or at a restaurant. That's pretty interesting, so were you ever a party girl and does your persona online reflect your real life persona? For myself, I'm one of those two-face people... ... .. ~___~...
Nov 24, 18 at 9:23pm
Oh yea, I forgot about Gimbap, it's pretty good. First time I started liking spam. I haven't tried Ddukbokki, how is it? It looks like it'd be spicy and sour. I don't know why Koreans find it appealing. I'll have to try it someday. I know it's made from rice and I'm a fan of most things made from rice, so we'll see. Do you socialize in real life much? Just curious if you go to conventions and other stuff? I have always thought about striking up a random conversation w/ someone at a coffee shop or book store who had some anime memorabilia or something.
Nov 24, 18 at 8:54pm
Well, now you know *insert derp face here*... What do you think of Korean Cuisine? Ever since Kpop and K-dramas have been on the rise, so has a ton of korean stuff. I think korean bbq is really a big thing now. I just like all the banchan (side dishes). But I'm still not a fan of kimchi, I can see myself growing to like it though. It refreshes the palate.
Nov 24, 18 at 8:45pm
Meteor Garden... If I remember correctly there's a Chinese version of that. Funny story, when I was learning Chinese in high school, the students somehow persuaded the foreign exchange teacher to let us watch Meteor Garden for the whole semester, except around exam times. It was weird, we also watched Dolphin Bay. Strong Girl Bong-Soon, actually my "sisters" were watching that a few months ago I think? It seemed interesting. I only watched snippets of it w/ them on Netflix. Didn't she lose her power b/c of something?
Nov 24, 18 at 8:22pm
I was introduced to them through my sister (I have many sisters, so whenever I mention "my sister" it doesn't always mean the same one). She actually visited Korea and has a friend over there that she visits a few times now. For what it's worth, I tend to only like k-dramas where there is some sort of revenge, and the main character is a guy... well there should at least be a 2nd main character as the guy. What dramas are you following? The only thing I can't stand in them, is that it takes forever to conclude things. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SAY YOU LOVE EACH OTHER AND END IT ALREADY!!!!!
Nov 24, 18 at 8:12pm
What do you watch besides anime and horror? Any dramas? I know you like kpop, so I was curious if you have ever tried those k-dramas. If you do, beware, they can be ... ... ... extremely lengthy.
Nov 23, 18 at 10:35pm
That sounds like a pleasant choice. Kids can be quite impressionable at that age. I still remember all my grade school teachers! I'm surprised you were able to see one at church. o.o. Well I'm gonna hit the sack, I'll be sure to check out your Discord... (as soon as I figure it out - never used it before). Have an exemplary night.
Nov 23, 18 at 10:17pm
If you don't mind me asking, what do you plan to go to school for? Oh, also, one of my sisters became possessed once by some of her gaurdian buddhas/spirits, which was one of the reasons why I was shaken a bit at that time. The stuff she said and her personality changes were pretty creepy (or so I'm told, since I wasn't there... actually they told me it was funny b/c she'd rant at ppl lol). That's a good way to express yourself, nice outlet! My singing is hmm... average compared to the average american. I would prefer playing an instrument. Do you watch any Korean Variety Shows?