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32 year old Female
Last online 6日 ago
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for ⓟⓞⓒⓚⓨ ❀
Sep 22, 16 at 8:14pm
Ooh fiiiine. But not a minute later missy! http://i.stack.imgur.com/VUQ5l.gif
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup This is one of my lovers....just sayin.
VeZeal @axlex My my teacup!
^^ Aw,there's nothing wrong with talking to you.If anything other people that has a problem there must be something wrong with them.lol.And that sounds really scary seeing a clown in Walmart XD I would be freaked out too.Welp,I'm gonna take a break from MO but i'll be seeing you later.^^
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for ⓟⓞⓒⓚⓨ ❀
Sep 22, 16 at 6:59pm
Oooiiiii! Do I have to pester you all nighr before you go to bed?! You need sleep! http://www.shamefulotakusecret.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/td_ami1.jpg
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for ⓟⓞⓒⓚⓨ ❀
Sep 22, 16 at 6:03pm
Naps are nice. But they can really mess up with a sleeping cycle. But I'm sure you'll work it out! ^^
^^ Well,there's no need to change who you are.If you apologize a lot then that's just part of your personality and I see nothing wrong with it.And I'm trying to remember who was in Walmart years ago when I went that early in the morning but can't remember it fully.It was only once I went in anywhere close to 5 a.m.I think there was normal people but they all looked in a daze.XD Guess they just needed a cup of coffee to wake up.But darn I would be scared if I saw something dressed up like it was Halloween.I would just hurry up and buy what I wanted to buy and forget about browsing and get the heck outta there as fast as I can Lmao!
lol.Well I do try to treat everyone the same with kindness so thank you for noticing that I do try.And no worries.^^ Most people joke and say stuff and a lot of them never apologize but I think that's because the people they talk to know how they are and vice versa so it'll become better once you get to know more people and better acquainted. And yeah actually I been to Walmart later than midnight before.One time I went like at 5 in the morning.Like a ghost town.XD Only like a dozen people in there
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for ⓟⓞⓒⓚⓨ ❀
Sep 22, 16 at 4:03pm
Ha ha! Don't stay up all night with it again!
No problem.^^ you really are genuinely nice and we're all weird in our own ways.No 2 people are alike haha and we all have quirks and unique personalities.And yeah Walmart at midnight is when my brother goes shopping there cause not many people at that time so it's easier to shop at midnight or later.I'll brb. My phone is almost dead so i was trying to hurry and text ya but I need to switch to laptop
VeZeal @axlex left a comment for ⓟⓞⓒⓚⓨ ❀
Sep 22, 16 at 3:01pm
That sounds like a good idea. A nice hot bath fixes many problems. And make sure to sleep at a good time this time