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32 year old Female
Last online 7日 ago
That's good to hear. ^^ anything new? ^^
Hi, how are you? ^^
Sep 14, 16 at 9:29am
Good to hear! I'm fine too thank you ^^
Sep 13, 16 at 3:19pm
Hi thanx for the request :3 Nice to meet you, I hope everything is good with you~
Sep 12, 16 at 9:10pm
See that's not cool now you're switching on me xD They have green tea kit-kats? I like the strawberry one's of those! So you need to try cookie dough and green tea pocky and I guess I need to try strawberry pocky and green tea kit-kats. Okay, let's both get on that! haha Yep. I only buy ones I like a lot though since I can read and watch most stuff online. But I need a new wallet so...going to hot topic or something sometime this week. They always have awesome shirts too even anime but their stuff is so expensive I always pass on it :/ Accessories on the other hand... How was your day? What do you do on Mondays?
Sep 12, 16 at 12:21am
Oh and I've never seen much of AHS *hides in corner from inevitable barrage of crap coming this way* Is it worth a watch? I'm not too into drama in general unless its part of something more lol.
Sep 12, 16 at 12:18am
I forgot the name but there is a store online (I've got it through ebay too but meh) they sell japanese candy...they had COTTON CANDY pocky...it sounds nasty but hear me out...it was AMAZING x) But cookie dough is like all over here so I said that one haha. I haven't read that but I'll have to look into it. Glad you're doing well. I get paid tuesday so I'm sure I'll buy some crap I don't need too x3
Sep 11, 16 at 10:44pm
WALKING DEAD!!! That and GoT are about the only 2 non-animated things I really enjoy! And yes cookie dough is very good if its not a cheap knock off! x) What manga are you buying? Hope you had a good day!! x3
Sep 10, 16 at 1:00pm
But...but cookie dough. I really like the cookie dough flavor I dunno if I want something different o.o' I guess I will try but I'm not getting my hopes up xD That sucks about the anime shop, I love going in to look at things but often they are cheaper online so I can see why that happens... Glad you had a good experience! I have had many interviews but you'll always be nervous. I had to be "professional" for one and that was hard because that's not who I am and it was a group interview and I don't do well in groups lol. I'm more introverted despite getting along okay and talking with most people. But it can really help you get more confident so I guess its a good reason for communication class heh xP Best of luck, bring pocky for after and just show them a picture of a puppy or something! It works on many people! xD Hope you have a good weekend!
Sep 09, 16 at 10:18pm
We have an anime store in a mall kinda near my house and it has cookie dough flavored one's, they are my favorite! I've tried the green tea one's (meh) but not strawberry. I'll have to try them sometime! We have those panda filled creme crackers (hello panda I think) that were strawberry and I liked those if it counts! x) What is the interview for? Job? I'm sure you will be great! Dress in what makes you feel good, if you are below what they expect well it shows you have confidence anyway right? x3 I'm good. Kinda tired but happy now that I have tomorrow off and will probably goof off watching Haikyuu or something. Good luck at the interview!