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32 year old Female
Last online 13日 ago
Hello SweetPocky :) I dunno how pocky isn't sweet but I'll eat strawberry pocky anyday.. :P
Jan 10, 15 at 5:40am
:'< Awh... Why are they jerks? If they aren't good for ya, why don't 'cha avoid em? I can relate with that! Good ol' dysfunctional family dynamic... At least it keeps life worth living in many ways~ AHA! I can also empathize with that... I always get IDed for everything... T CT It'll treat us well when we're old kooks, though, right? :'D T uT I g-guess I'll take the risk f-for the birfday girl...
Hi! How are you?
Jan 09, 15 at 7:11am
Haha rolling in the carpet is the best thing ever! Just wrapping yourself up into a ball and not moving forever :O
Jan 09, 15 at 7:03am
Theres a rare pocky? I had no idea. BUT NOW THAT I DO I MUST HAVE IT!!!
Awww penguins are little cutie pies aren't they ~ ? -^.^- ♥;
Jan 08, 15 at 8:11pm
D'aww~ Well I hope you do! Maybe a friend or two will show up too. Sounds like you have some lovely parents~ . w. You excited to be 23? *hugs ya back* > w< QA Q No! No! S'okay... That may make my throat way too itchy, plus cake is too sponge-y. D': WHAT IF I CHOKE? Thank you, though~ Ahaha!
Jan 08, 15 at 7:12pm
Aha~ Well aren't we understanding and thoughtful~ How sweet~ Awh. :'< Well at least you've got your family! I'm sure you can still have fun, right? *pap pap pap* There should always be confetti or cake, even when people do 'splode! D':
Sure! but lets talk on inbox, dont like to type all those letters xD
Jan 08, 15 at 6:26pm
:'3 If they don't, you can celebrate in a more appropriate attire, a birthday suit. Ahahaha! Sorry, bad joke. ; w; I hope lot of folks show up, though! Everyone deserves some praise on their special day~ > u< What do you plan to do, huh? Just a simple get together? O wO IT'S SO SHINY *'splodes*