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34 year old Male
Last online 2年弱 ago
Jan 23, 19 at 1:00am
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzQ6gRAEoy0 3 years, still one of the best forms of unconditonal love.
elhaym @elhaym left a comment for sushie
Jan 22, 19 at 11:55pm
Ikr? Some castles in Germany are really pretty~ Mhhh... maybe that pronouncing could help: nɔʏˈʃvaːnʃtaɪn (c+p by wikipedia xD) My best friend did a round trip where she stayed in different hostels or did couchsurfing as long the japanese people weren't too shy :D One friend told me if I really want to explore Japan(as example), I shall travel on my own and do "couchsurfing" in temples etc. The same for America~ I'm very curious about it :D
Marcus @marcus_k left a comment for sushie
Jan 22, 19 at 10:37am
Marcus @marcus_k left a comment for sushie
Jan 22, 19 at 9:51am
Hey man! Thanks for the accept! ^^
elhaym @elhaym left a comment for sushie
Jan 21, 19 at 1:04pm
Mhh that is a good question. How about Castle Neuschwanenstein in Bavaria? http://www.hotelfuessen.de/images/umgebung/schloss-neuschwanstein.jpg It really depends what you want to see :) I'm so jelly! Someday I will also visit Asian and American cities :)) But I agree - it is really expensive =.=
Mashi Mashi @mashiro_dango left a comment for sushie
Jan 21, 19 at 11:17am
so cute
elhaym @elhaym left a comment for sushie
Jan 20, 19 at 11:47pm
Could be :3 I've never visited Dublin before, but I would like to take a view there :) Did you visited any nice places before?
Mashi Mashi @mashiro_dango left a comment for sushie
Jan 20, 19 at 9:23pm
it's sushie from discord? .-.
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for sushie
Jan 20, 19 at 8:17pm
That DOES sound sad. I didn't realize you had to deal w/ things like that. You've got a great heart pal!
Neverland @dakoya left a comment for sushie
Jan 20, 19 at 8:03pm
Just curious but are you able to give candy to kids? Also wondering if you know any magic tricks.
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup I want candy. I think... real candy?
Neverland @dakoya I only have hard candy: Jolly Ranchers and lollipops.
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup Hmmm soon! I'm not allowed corn yet. But I think i will be the next thing added to my diet. Corn syrup is probs okay, but I just haven't chanced it. I can only have Enjoy Life candy bars i think? hah that's not even in my diet. I sneak it. But I meant to but some today and forgot!!!
Neverland @dakoya That's too bad, those sound pretty blea, I was gonna show you my new jewelry of ring pops. I miss eating those, but it gets difficult to eat when near the end. Enjoy Life candy bars seem kind of controversial to their name. Not that I've tried any before.I googled it and it didn't look too appetizing.
PucaetGniliasEht @thesailingteacup It's not, I think it's gross xD haha well not gross but I don't really like them. Better than nothing tho. I LOVE RING POPS! LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!! haha I kinda wanna get proposed to with a ring pop ....that and lil will you marry me heart candies! xD hahaha I'm so cheesy. (I will say no, if a guy doesn't do this and i'm not tellin him I want this to happen xD hahaha aka single forevverrrr)
Neverland @dakoya I hear Mr. Wonka is recently divorced.
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