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swinglog @swinglog left a comment for suna
Sep 13, 13 at 8:20am
fatzilla @jineko left a comment for suna
Sep 13, 13 at 7:46am
そうですか。英語が習いたいんですか?^^ 7月から日本に住んでいます。私はプログラマーでここに働いています。^^
fatzilla @jineko left a comment for suna
Sep 13, 13 at 7:29am
fatzilla @jineko left a comment for suna
Sep 13, 13 at 7:13am
kuro_tenshi @kuro_tenshi left a comment for suna
Sep 09, 13 at 9:18pm
Okay cool. i have a xbox too so i can play it. i can tell you about some games abroad if yoy want :)
Amezuki @amezuki left a comment for suna
Sep 08, 13 at 8:07pm
すみません、写された文は無視してください。 ---- Sorry, please disregard the duplicate sentence.
Amezuki @amezuki left a comment for suna
Sep 08, 13 at 8:01pm
こんばんは、おかげさまで元気。スナさんは? ヨーロッパほどじゃないとは当たり前ですがここでもガソリンが高いと思います。アメリカにはガロン(3・79リトル)で売っているけど、1ガロンあたり4ドル位です。 曇りコンは、行きも帰りも自分の車でした。燃費の良いトヨタのプリウスで良かったですよ。旅行はすべて640キロ以上でも、フールタンクは空かなかったです。凄かったよ! ドライブが好きでうか。出来ますか。僕は、自動車の行楽が大好きです。 ドライブが好きでうか。出来ますか。僕は、自動車の行楽が大好きです。 ---- Good evening, I'm fine, thanks. You? Obviously it's not as bad as in Europe, but I think gas is expensive here too. In America gas is sold by the gallon (3.79 liters), and one gallon is about four dollars. For Kumoricon, I drove my own car there and back. My Prius gets great gas mileage and I was happy to have it! The whole trip was over 640km, but it still didn't use up a full tank of gas. It was amazing! Do you like to go driving? Can you drive? I love road trips myself.
Amezuki @amezuki left a comment for suna
Sep 03, 13 at 1:14pm
ちょっとおひさ~(笑) プロファイルで書いたとおり、この週末の「曇りコン」ってうアニメ大会に出席しました。しばらく返事してなくてすみません。 前の話しですが、たしかに海外に遊びに行くのは高いですな。飛行機の切符だけだったら、あんまり高すぎるわけがないと思いますが。。。ホテルか他のとまる場所か、そんな問題が日々一番高くなります。 スナさんは、海外に行く機械がまだないんでしょうか。知りたい事があれば聞いてもいいです。出来たら教えてあげます。^^ ---- Hi, it's been a bit! :) As I wrote in my profile, this weekend I was at an anime convention called Kumoricon. Sorry about not replying for a while! Regarding our last conversation, going to visit overseas really is expensive! I don't think it'd be so bad if it was just the plane tickets, but finding a hotel or some other place to stay... that gets more expensive with every passing day. You've never been overseas, right? If there's anything you want to know, feel free to ask. I'll answer if I can. ^_^
kuro_tenshi @kuro_tenshi left a comment for suna
Aug 28, 13 at 9:24pm
I want to play all of those games. Is there a site I can order them from that you know of? and Yeah I noticed that. It's cool that they do that though. It will get the game producers lots of buyers by basing them on something they know people like.
kuro_tenshi @kuro_tenshi left a comment for suna
Aug 26, 13 at 7:01pm
Well there aren't many anime or comic fans in my area, but I read all types of manga and watch many anime. The types of video games people like in my area are call of duty, metal gear, assassins creed, dragon age, and many more.