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37 year old Male
Last online 13年以上 ago
Oh that sounds like a lot of fun =D And it's especially fun I bet to do that with close friends ^_^ lol what do you have for breakfast then XD?
a @karoru left a comment for Starkiller87
Dec 24, 10 at 9:13am
Tudo bem...e você como esta?
Yup..the tradition is usually to have latkas (potato pancakes) and then light the menora (one candle per each of the 8 nights)..we usually decorate around the house out of tradition, and we always spend it with my grandma..and of course there's dessert ;D every year we have the same choc. cream pie..and every year my mom makes a LOT of potato salad..surprised it's all gone by now lol..what do you normally do for Christmas =) ? I also like to learn about other cultures and holidays of course >_< It's funny because we also like gingerbread cookies and candy canes on Hanukah just because XD
Oh no problem, you weren't being rude =D The majority of my friends celebrate Christmas so it's all good ^_^ It went well..lol not sure what you want to know about it >_< we played dreidel and ate cookies ^_^ lol
Oh sorry about that >_< Do you at least have fun people to talk to at work? Do you guys get to wear the santa hats or something like that? Lol I actually already celebrated Hanukah but no worries ;D Probably I'll be doing the Secret Santa thing with friends ^_^ Should be fun XD
Lol sure XD what do you normally do on the holidays?
Dec 23, 10 at 5:42pm
Lol yeah the holidays can bring out the kid in us >_<
Hey, happy holidays to you too =D How have you been?
unknown @mecherotten left a comment for Starkiller87
Dec 15, 10 at 12:25am
Yes i have FB.