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37 year old Male
Last online 13年以上 ago
tyrantish @tyrantish left a comment for Starkiller87
Oct 22, 10 at 12:42pm
Bleh, I'm doing midterms as well. Good luck with yours!
Oct 22, 10 at 3:58am
Yeah, Midterms are never easy.
Oh sorry about that XD but hey, at least the weather will be better where you are..I'm probably going to do the same (stay in and watch movies) but I don't mind doing that cuz I rather not freeze ;D nothing wrong with popcorn, candy, and scary movies ^_^ er...well maybe not too scary >_<
gone @socrates left a comment for Starkiller87
Oct 21, 10 at 6:49pm
|D Hello yourself! o uo Thank you for the welcome!
Fla5h @fla5h left a comment for Starkiller87
Oct 21, 10 at 7:06am
wow, they killing you man. I been trying to get some free time but it's been escaping me. Had a 20 something page report due monday, 10 page one due yesterday, Statistics hw due tmw, then the test all gonna hit me around the same time XD Luckily i only have 2 semesters remaining and man i can't tell you how much im ready for them to be gone
Oct 21, 10 at 3:26am
I know how that goes.
Fla5h @fla5h left a comment for Starkiller87
Oct 20, 10 at 7:51pm
man, sounds like you have a busy schedule coming up man lol i have a bunch of projects coming.
Yeah the movie/anime thing sounds good >_< especially when it's getting colder out..I dunno if it's getting a bit cold where you are?
Yeah, I'm trying to think of some ideas too..oh, maybe watching scary anime if not cosplaying XD?
tyrantish @tyrantish left a comment for Starkiller87
Oct 19, 10 at 12:26pm
I'm doing pretty good, you? 8>