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37 year old Male
Last online 13年以上 ago
yeah i know what ya mean but hey I've gone to cons when ppl cant attend all the days so i've experienced going alone it's still pretty fun and u get to meet new ppl too ^_^. Recommendations huh well based on your finished anime and manga list you'd probably like eureka 7, high school of the dead, fairy tail, eden of the east, and i just started to watch this (i know so late) code geas
Sep 20, 10 at 5:05pm
UR MY HERO! I HAVE NEVER MET ANOTHER NATIVE AMERICAN WHO LIKE VIDEO GAMES & ANIME!! well i shud say im a half and half...part Native American and Korean...O.O
heh i thought so, i never forget a face so what's up been to ne cons lately? moreso what have u been watching?DFEDF
Sep 20, 10 at 4:50pm
hello!! welcome!! i hope we become friends!! my name is Park Chae Rin btw...but you can call me misa cause i hate my name..!! you look...like a native american..am i correct? sorry dont kill me if i got it wrong!! <3 Chae Rin
hey bro u look familiar did we meet @ con or something?
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