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39 year old Male
Last online 約1年 ago
Jul 27, 13 at 12:45pm
Well thats good that you are over her :) So what did you all do at the workshop?
I'm really bad at watching anime :p but I really liked high school of the dead, and I loved hellsing ultimate to death
Jul 27, 13 at 1:13am
Was the workshop any fun? Ah~ Same here. And my town is the same. I realy haven't ^^" So are you over that relationship now? I'm doing pretty good ^^ You?
Jul 26, 13 at 2:08pm
I'm gooood~ Yourself? ^.^
welllllllll....... I need to be more positive i gotta be optimistic again im so tired of being negative and getting my negative thinking from facts online or from past experiences or friend experience and tired of me such a realist soo maybe im ready to be a girlfriend i dont know if i can become a good girlfriend but ill try atleast if it comes down to it but being a girlfriend is going to be a hassle since my main focus is myself right now i really got to work on myself more and thanks to some friends on here im achieve alot since then..but it takes time to change a personaily soo i guess my answer would be friends im looking for good friends someone i can rely on and cry on and whine too somebody to just listen and hear me out..im such an independant girl everybody always rely on me all the time that im tired......i want to be a weak girl im tired of girls relying on me or guys..it be nice to have a man to take care of me for once and be there atleast until hes taken or maybe even after hes taken too :)
Jul 25, 13 at 10:54pm
Sure ^^ tty tomorrow :)
I'm doing pretty good!! How are you doing?
Jul 25, 13 at 10:54pm
The profile postings are okay. If i or anyone else ever feels uncomfortable with it, we just chat through the messaging system. I've basically been single forever as well :P Well, I've had flings, but never really a relationship lol Never had a boyfriend, I could say. People here are all rednecks... so... yeah, that explains that lol and no, the matching system doesn't. Yes, there is potential ^^ And yeah, that can be annoying.
Jul 25, 13 at 10:30pm
No, but I'm pretty sure you don't way 50 lbs... lol :D hmm... Well, I look for guys with good personalities that I have things in common with, and I also have to (obviously) be attracted to them :P Haha, there are very few things that are "too personal" to me. Maybe for a chat that everyone can read, but not for messages lol Oh, I see ^^ Yeah, I like most, but there are a few things that I don't like. There is SOME horror that I like (its better in anime than in movies) but not very much