hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
The only one I can come up with due to lack of funds is to attempt to be a Female hunter from Left 4 Dead ^^ I'm looking forward to those pics! :D

hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
ZOMG! I Demand pictures when you can of that! To awesome! :3 Yea I hear ya on working more due to getting closer to the holidays x.x I hope I find something myself honestly now because of those times myself.

hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
-jumps out of no where- ROAR! *blink blink*

hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
That is really cool! You will have to link it to me so that I can see it when you guys are done! Yea sometimes being creative is a way of keeping your sanity but sometimes it can drive you over depending on what is causing you to be so creative ^^ I don't know yet but almost anything sounds good, another plus to learning one is that it would help with my weight loss goal and all ^^ and its more fun to have other people with you then alone ^^

hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
Agreed! Lupan is pretty awesome ^-^ humm well I like a lot of things really it just depends. I'm alright at drawing and singing, if I can ever get the money I would love to learn a martial art of some sort. I'm a tomboy at heart ^^

hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
OH heck yea I have watched The Walking Dead! I love that show! ^-^ Honestly thought its nothing like the comic but its still pretty cool anyway. Its nice to see more Zombie stuff that actually had some work put into it instead of just throwing bad actors and bad props together. And Lupan is awesome :D I went to the panel that was just for him at Otakon, it was funny and awesome. Gotta love a perverted thief that does it for the kicks :D

hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
ah ok so its just a pain in the arse that the site hasn't fixed yet -_-; Thanks :D I'm glad you liked it! -happy wiggle-

hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
I'm into a little of everything really, I guess thats part of why I can get along with almost anyone ^^ I have had my hair just about every color except for a few that I plan on changing that for in the future :)

hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
Thanks :3 Its usually Multi colored one way or another lol ^-^

hellfireprince @hellfireprince
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hellfireprince @hellfireprince
Awesome Pics dude! :D