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Last online 約7年 ago
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Ssendom @ssendom Heh, I aint changing for noone. They get all the Dom. If it botjers you so, may it pester you more. ;P
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Ssendom @ssendom I can't argue with your logic. It all seems fairly sound to me. It's very true, in order to receive, you must first give. And following the harder of two paths is perfectly acceptable. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
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Ssendom @ssendom You need not justify anything to me. I used ro share in that same Darkness. And if you found beauty in it, somehow someway it makes you happy. Atleast that is how I used to preceive it. Just like people's fingerprints, everyone has different personal definitions to specific situations and aspects that only they could really see. It's the theory of two people looking at the same thing, but seeing things completely different. I personally think that you cannot love another until you love yourself. But that is merely an opinion, and Don't for a second think your way is wrong. The beauty of Life is that you make it your own, which is exactly ahat you are doing. Keep up the incredible work. =^w^=
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Ssendom @ssendom As long as it is what you want. I willl never judge or criticize someones decisions. And you follow a good point. Those that matter or those who are there for you without you needing to ask.
Ryushika The Trap @roszondas3 i like the amount of balance in this post. very neutral. and quite wonderful. not completely neutral or balanced. but it's up there.
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Ssendom @ssendom All that matters is your personal happiness. And I am not one to thrash that down. if you want things to be simple or complicated. That is your right to do. Feel however you please, most of us here will be here for you. :P
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Ssendom @ssendom Non-sense, you've a wonderful personality. Everything will be sweet and simple for you. =^-^=
Apr 28, 17 at 12:46pm
To everyone that has added me, Thank you very much. I am happy to have found this site and you all. The conversations I am already having with the lot of you have been boosting my personal self esteem. Did a lot of what I needed today. Now I take a break, kick back play a game and go for my half day of work. Around for the moment for conversation. <3 =^w^= <3
nekomimi12 @nekomimi12 left a comment for Ssendom
Apr 27, 17 at 10:04pm
Thank you for adding me.
keven @keven left a comment for Ssendom
Apr 27, 17 at 7:28pm
You should watch Itazura na kiss if you haven't already. My favorite Romance/Comedy out there ^^
Ssendom @ssendom I don'f think I have seen it. I'll definitely look into it.
Apr 27, 17 at 11:24am
Hey. Thanks for the add ✌
Ssendom @ssendom Yo, not a prob in the world. Here to make friends and share my wonderous personality with everyone. XD I am far too cocky for my own good. Tehe
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