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Feb 22, 10 at 10:45pm
And momocon..well they have a registration capacity of like 7000 people I think (and probably already full) 'cuz they have limited space so I wouldn't really recommend going since you live out of state..it may be free but you'd have to pay to get here so ..not really worth it in the end I think ^^'. And yah I *heart* tentacle porn, gotta love it haha! Weell I don't plan on watching -all- the anime's that were ever made or anything xD just the ones they have on those sites that interest me, I doubt I'll even get through all of those but..I think it's a good way to find new anime *nods nods*. Ahh, I was bawling for both Spike and Lelouch!! But there are some people that think Lelouch didn't actually die...but I don't know about that ^^' And you can send a little bit of everything, except for angry haha everything else is fine :D
Feb 22, 10 at 10:44pm
Yah, lol I can't really sew ^^' unless I have someone helping me out but I couldn't make an entire outfit on my own, even the snow white one was made by a friends mom and I just helped out with parts of it. It would make my cosplay life easier if I could sew though ^^;...actually I don't know why I forgot to say this but me n' a group of my friends are planning to eventually cosplay as heartless! I'm designing outfits inspired by the heartless actually so it'll be off of that :3 And you should totally come to AWA if you live in Tennessee, it's not that far away actually and we have a bunch of people come from other states too. I may possibly be getting an art table with a friend for this years awa even :) AWA is held in September, this year it'll be Sept. 17-19 and you can check out their site for more info: http://www.awa-con.com/ the hotel is already completely booked but there are a lot of other hotels in very close distance (even walking distance) to the convention. But yah if you do go plan ahead 'cuz either way you'll prob need to book a hotel room and you wanna make sure outside the convention don't book out too ^^'.
MangAngel @mangangel left a comment for SoulRebirth
Feb 22, 10 at 10:23am
Aw Why thankyou! ^^; You're the first to welcome me, I've been on here for like 2 weeks @.@ anyways.. Well I like "The Melancholy of haruhi suzumiya" and old magical girl like card captor sakura hah~ But i also enjoy Bleach !
Leah @leah left a comment for SoulRebirth
Feb 21, 10 at 11:06pm
well my about me pretty much says it all xD I'm a pretty normal average girl. You like Yu-Gi-Oh?
Feb 21, 10 at 10:31pm
And yeh I watch just about anything -even tentacle hentai haha-, I even started this new thing that I watch the first 5 episodes of an anime (I download anime from a few websites n' I'm just going A-Z on there..only on A's so far haha) n' if I like it I continue watching..and sometimes I continue watching anyway even if I don't like it so much 'cuz I always think maybe something interesting will happen later on ^^'..Aww, yah..I'm a big crier when it comes to anime, even if some random character that was only on for an episode dies I'm like *tear tear* ;-;...lol so yah wolf's rain I was crying so hard my mom thought I was crazy xD..but I guess it's just 'cuz I have an emotional attachment with characters and I get really into the story..like Cowboy Bebop ugh..I loved Spike so much!! (You've seen the ending right? I hope I didn't give away any spoilers just now ^^') Hum, you can go ahead and e-mail them to me, you can e-mail whatever you want songs, poems w/e, I know my e-mail on here says oom_dyslexic_cows but I haven't checked it in a long time so I'm afraid your e-mail may get lost in the hundreds of e-mails soo if you can e-mail me at kruvinova1@student.gsu.edu instead :3 Also, thanks for the encouragement, I need as much as I can get haha ^^
Feb 21, 10 at 10:30pm
Yaah..that's mostly why I play peach, 'cuz she's cute..and I'm known for always picking her haha. And believe me my Kikyo cosplay was -really- bad, my mom didn't really know how to sew that type of..Kimono-ish outfit so it was waay off and I was a wee 10th grader too soo very long time ago ^^' And I soo was the boss in that Sasuke outfit :'D! Lol, actually as much as I liked the outfit I bought these hardcore boots for it (which unfortunatly you can't see in the pic) that absolutely killed my feet x__x'..and I was also supposed to have a Naruto by my side 'cuz we were gonna 'yaoi' together lool but that didn't quite work out. So yah, out of all my cosplay experiences Kikyo (even though the outfit was baad) and Snow White were the most fun I've had :3 Hum, conventions conventions! Definitely go with a friend, it's fun to meet new people there but it's better to experience it with someone by your side I think :3 I've been to 2 conventions that I go to every year AWA, Anime Weekend Atlanta (which is the biggeest anime convention in Georgia) and Momo-con which is a free convention hosted by Georgia Tech/college with a huuuge anime club and they started the convention 4 or 5 years back.
gone @miki_nokokoro left a comment for SoulRebirth
Feb 21, 10 at 12:36pm
Oh my god, I LOVE Kingdom Hearts too! You watched Please Twins? c: That was such a good anime,lol. Hope we can be friends! :D
Wolf's rain is amazing, but forewarning its extremely sad, I dunno if you're the type to cry while watching anime (I know I definitely am ^^'), but if you are be prepared for some tear jerkers or more o.o' lool. But I think those kinds of stories are the one's you remember the most *nod nod* Aand last but not least, thanks so much for checking out my artwork and I hope I do get somewhere with it, 'course I had to work really hard to get to where I am today and I've still got a long way to go too but as I tell everyone else practice, practice, practice and you too can -eventually- draw lol. Any chance you have some of your writings online? I'd love to read some :3! Hum, looking back on this I wrote a lot..haha sorry ^^' I tend to write too much sometimes!
A beast clone?? Oh nooo sounds scary o3o' lol I tend to play really crazy like with scary looking opponents, or any really it's pretty funny to watch me play videogames actually haha, sometimes me n' my friends sit around playing..super smash brothers brawl (I think that's what it's called) and I -always- play as peach..I never win but my reactions are pretty hilarious ^^ Anyway, my Kikyo costume is shameful and should not be seen by the human eye o.o' haha, but if you want to see my anbu sasuke cosplay... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v319/kristina1234u/anbusasuke.jpg ^^' a) It's old taken in 2006 b)Don't really look like sasuke truthfully 'cuz of the hair among other things but I didn't have a wig suu yeh and c) had to blur out my friends 'cuz I doubt they'd appreciate me passing out horrible old pics of them xD Ho hum, thanks (for saying my Snow White cosplay was cute ^^) I enjoyed cosplaying her :D And you should definitely try cosplaying someone and go to a convention it's a pretty crazy experience the first time..especially if you do someone popular haha. Aand you know, I always think that popular anime's are popular for a reason, most likely 'cuz it's really good, I mean I like other anime's as well that aren't well known but that's 'cuz I'm open to watching a lot of stuff.
Leah @leah left a comment for SoulRebirth
Feb 20, 10 at 6:17pm
Thanks ^-^ Hope we can be great friends