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Sora Tengu

Last online 9年以上 ago
New York, NY
Hello! here are some things that you should know about me right off the bat.
1. April 8th, 1999 I am an Aries/rabbit (I wish I was tiger)
2. I Love Anime and Manga
3. I love Nightcore music
4. I am a tomboy
5. Favorite color is red and black
6. I am Bisexual but prefer females
7. Favorite animals are a wolf and a raven
8. I am a gamer, love RPG, anime based, Fighting, gore, ect.

I am shy and quiet in the beginning but if you get me to talk about something I like I spark to life and slowly come out of my shell.

I am looking to be in a relationship... so yeah.
In my eyes I think I am terrible at romance in real life. others might not think of it that way...

That is all for now. :)