Deactivated @ruby
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Deactivated @ruby
Thanks for the request ^^

sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
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sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
I hope so xD

serah2012 @serah2012
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serah2012 @serah2012
well, you might be getting better but not me.
Rabbit hurt her ankle *cries*
it feels broken but it might be a really bad sprain.

justsomeone @justsomeone
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justsomeone @justsomeone
Yes, it's a very diverse genre so there's a little something for everyone.

sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
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sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
That is terrible D: I'm sorry to hear that! Everything is well on my side. I got a ton of hours dumped on me at work and now I'm justtired.

mizzmay @mizzmay
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mizzmay @mizzmay
Thank you for helping this noob! I will be on when I can but sadly it isn't much. Stupid computers! Ugh!

Amaya5 @amaya5
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Amaya5 @amaya5
I'm doing good as well.

serah2012 @serah2012
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serah2012 @serah2012
yeah. nice to find another lefty =]
I know they say like 1 in 100 or whatever will be a lefty but I was thinking it was a myth and it was just me! everybody I see & know are rightys!
Yeah i've been playing since I was 4 so I've been playing for 26 yrs now. wow, time flies!
yeah, they drive me nuts but it's never boring!!
k hopefully your paw will heal soon =]

sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
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sugarcubeangel @sugarcubeangel
That's not good. :( what'd you do?

Happiegal @happiegal
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Happiegal @happiegal
You've just been added. Its very nice to meet you :)