I don't actually consider myself much of a weeb and barely watch anime xD
But I'm still pretty deep into the culture and would like to chat with people about it.
In all honesty I have more to do with just art or hentai and games.
I would say I'm easy to chat with and very open minded, so please do not feel afraid to chat with me.
I do appreciate when people message me first.
About what games I play, my fav tags or actual real life stuff you can just ask me in a chat c:
If you want to chat over discord: Skaul#2281
But I'm still pretty deep into the culture and would like to chat with people about it.
In all honesty I have more to do with just art or hentai and games.
I would say I'm easy to chat with and very open minded, so please do not feel afraid to chat with me.
I do appreciate when people message me first.
About what games I play, my fav tags or actual real life stuff you can just ask me in a chat c:
If you want to chat over discord: Skaul#2281