SoRiku @crazedyaoiotaku
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SoRiku @crazedyaoiotaku
Mizore is adorable <3
I havent cosplayed as anyone from hotd but I almost cosplayed as Saya ^^

hithere7523 @hithere7523
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hithere7523 @hithere7523
Yeah, I love that it brings geek/nerd culture into the forefront of entertainment.

hithere7523 @hithere7523
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hithere7523 @hithere7523
I like to think so. Of course my only options are, "Freaking awesome," and, "Sad commentary on how often I watch the big bang theory," so I typically like to choose the former.

brittany_nicole115 @brittany_nicole115
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brittany_nicole115 @brittany_nicole115
Lol guess not.

missbritt321 @missbritt321
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missbritt321 @missbritt321
Thanks :)

hithere7523 @hithere7523
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hithere7523 @hithere7523
not really. when he think's something is really funny, or if he does something he knows he isn't supposed to do he will laugh like Sheldon Cooper, but that's about it.:)

brittany_nicole115 @brittany_nicole115
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brittany_nicole115 @brittany_nicole115
Yeah, I found out about this website the other day and thought I'd give it a shot. =)

brittany_nicole115 @brittany_nicole115
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brittany_nicole115 @brittany_nicole115
I'm fine. Yourself?

hithere7523 @hithere7523
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hithere7523 @hithere7523
He is a Meyers Parrot :)

hithere7523 @hithere7523
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hithere7523 @hithere7523
Awwwww he's not scary. He's actually a big wimp. He is afraid of nearly everything.