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Shi Inu

29 year old Female
Last online 11年以上 ago
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209 left a comment for Shi Inu
Apr 30, 12 at 6:21pm
You know that mind control gives you a person at max working at 75% of his/her normal functionality not to mention you will always need one or two to help you pick the good ones for the games xD, hey! what about us middle sized people?
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209 left a comment for Shi Inu
Apr 30, 12 at 6:05pm
And so I bow to my overlord…(Whispers) “For now”
Trelós Dr.Likos @nero1209 left a comment for Shi Inu
Apr 30, 12 at 5:42pm
I get the impression from your info page you’re a fast talker and being shot there’s nothing wrong with that, short people soon will rule this world as they hold it in Both hands…seriously
☆Gx-Kai☆ @emo_tsuna left a comment for Shi Inu
Apr 30, 12 at 4:52pm
Alright, I've just been busy with projects for so long that I haven't gotten time to anything cool, except for Little Tokyo with the bros, you?
NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes left a comment for Shi Inu
Apr 30, 12 at 11:39am
*Glances at you from the shadows*...soo, what do you like to do for fun ?
☆Gx-Kai☆ @emo_tsuna left a comment for Shi Inu
Apr 29, 12 at 1:27am
Hey how's it going, I'm here to talk whenever you want (^O^)/
NoMOREheROES @nomoreheroes left a comment for Shi Inu
Apr 28, 12 at 6:13am
cool anime list. My name is Travis...
Heyo, Panda here saying you are not ugly but really cute. Remember that and forget what everyone else says and stop listening to what your mind says. No on is ugly.
Kazuma_elric @kazuma_elric left a comment for Shi Inu
Apr 11, 12 at 8:21pm
Ello :3
Apr 09, 12 at 12:33am
oh lol i didnt celebrate