shidorikuu @shidorikuu
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
Oppsie * libary*
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
Really...the guys here look more for looks then personality..some that rarely like anime..If I talk about it they stare at me..think Im weird some like it but they stay silent to be cool..The ones that stay in the libaty reading are the anime fanatics..( girls and boys)
supersaiyanphil @supersaiyanphil
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supersaiyanphil @supersaiyanphil
It's not that I don't want to date its just that there aren't that many girls that I know that have both a pretty face and a pretty personality and most of them in my area aren't the kind that I would get along with and they're like umploompa's orange with weird hair and never seem to show much personality :)
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
Im the same..( single lady * not the song :) *honestly a guy like you who wouldnt date..
supersaiyanphil @supersaiyanphil
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supersaiyanphil @supersaiyanphil
yeah but I dont envy being a girl it seems alot harder than being a guy and ok how about *forever available* (the optimists view point) :)
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
Awwww ..I saw it alone and cried..( im sorry its different because Im a girl..sorry) (Im a helpless crybaby name a movie I cried..Im baddd ^÷^) its amazing though..*dont say forever alone :( *
supersaiyanphil @supersaiyanphil
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supersaiyanphil @supersaiyanphil
I actually wanted to see it but it wasn't on a the cinema I usually go to and its not the kind of movie you can go to alone as a guy *forever alone face* nor is it 1 you ask guys friends to go see with
so to answer your question no I have not
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
Nooo LFD mode..Coming with the Medic ^=^…This might be a stinky question for a zombie fan..but have you seen Warm Bodies? ^×^
supersaiyanphil @supersaiyanphil
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supersaiyanphil @supersaiyanphil
and they might just blow up and kill this man ^0^
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
shidorikuu @shidorikuu
Oh my goodness you poor dear..and Owwwwwieeeee. Ive always wanted to paintball!! Instead of my "Akie breaky heart youll sing my poor Akie breaky feat"!!!